"That is to say, if a person with superpowers can sense the position of AIM, he can detect whether there is a person with superpowers around him, right?"

"Yeah, yes, if it is more powerful, maybe it can detect the type and strength of superpowers through the AIM diffusion field!

At this time, there may be lines like "This guy's combat power is about 5!", but there are some people in the world with weird interests who are working hard to study this. "

Xia Qing and Teacher Xiaomeng walked towards the school building while chatting, but they immediately parted ways to say goodbye because the staff had a dedicated entrance.

As for Xia Qing, after arriving at the third classroom on the third floor of the new school building, she reached out and opened the classroom door.

As the classroom door was opened by Xia Qing from the outside, the noisy discussions inside suddenly stopped, and the entire space became silent.

"Huh? Not a teacher?"

After confirming that it was not the teacher, a group of students started making noise again.

This scene was so real that it made Xia Qing feel inexplicably familiar.

He walked towards the seat assigned to him by the system, which was the third-to-last row near the inner wall.

Well, it seems that in order to appear ordinary, he did not deliberately sit in a too conspicuous position.


There are problems, there are problems...

Xia Qing sat in her seat, listening to the boring topics discussed by the male and female high school students around her, and couldn't help but feel sleepy.

Even if it is a long-lost urban life, it should not be wasted in school...

But can we learn something from this? After all, this is not an ordinary high school, but a high school in Academy City. Of course, it will teach some knowledge that is different from ordinary high schools.

As the saying goes, there is no end to learning. If you can learn more, just learn more.

With this thought in mind, Xia Qing held up her cheeks and managed to cheer up.


"Okay, okay! The morning meeting is about to begin~"

When Teacher Xiaomeng walked into the classroom, almost all the students were already sitting in their seats.

"Ah, before roll call, the teacher wants to tell all the students good news. There is a transfer student who will transfer to our class starting today!"

Everyone looked at Teacher Xiaomeng in surprise at this moment.

"This transfer student is a girl!"


The atmosphere in the class immediately became boiling.

A group of lone wolves cheered at this moment.

"Then, let's take a look at her appearance first. A detailed self-introduction will come later. Transfer students, please come in!"

As soon as Teacher Xiaomeng finished speaking, the teacher's door opened with a click.

The person who walked in was a nun wearing a white monastic uniform holding a calico cat. In addition, behind her was a little girl wearing a blue dress with brown hair and a cute face.

After the nun and the little girl saw Xia Qing sitting in the corner, expressions of joy immediately appeared on their faces.

"Ah, Xia Qing! It seems like this is indeed your school!"

"Hmph~ I won't find fault, Misaka Misaka said proudly."

The pretty nun waved to Xia Qing, looking very happy.

The rest of the students all turned their attention to Xia Qing at this moment, and their eyes, either surprised or jealous, were directed towards Xia Qing at this moment.

But at this moment, Teacher Xiaomeng also discovered something was wrong and quickly pushed Index out of the door.

"Ahhh...where did you two sneak in from? The transfer student is not you. Get out quickly, get out quickly——!"

"Ah, but I want to find Xia Qing, I want lunch..."

Index seemed to want to say something else, but Teacher Xiaomeng took out a two thousand yen bill and blocked her mouth.


"Rich woman!!!"

After Teacher Xiaomeng pulled Index and Last Work out of the classroom, a girl with long black hair walked in instead.

"The real transfer student is me, Himegami Akisa."

Seeing this familiar face, Xia Qing smiled as expected.

Then, after Teacher Xiaomeng returned to the classroom, the atmosphere began to return to its original state.

"Then Himegami-san, please take the empty seat behind Xia Qing. There happens to be no one there."


After the lonely beautiful girl with long black hair passed by Xia Qing and waved quietly, Xia Qing seemed to be able to feel that the eyes around her became hostile.

Obviously he didn't do anything.

"Okay, let's start class now!"

After that, normal classes began.

There were seven students who secretly played games during class. Among them, four were Monster Hunters, two were Tai Dao Xia, one was Shield Axe, and one was a gangster.

The remaining three people played a boring card drawing game.

Whenever a beautiful girl is drawn, these people always make a strange laugh.


Index, who was kicked out of the classroom, walked down the corridor with her lips pouted.

She was holding two thousand yuan in her hand. It was Teacher Xiaomeng who was muttering: "Why did you come here? Go back quickly! Don't go with strangers! Come on, use this money to take a taxi back." Let’s go!” thrust it into Index’s hand.


Index walked towards the cafeteria in a depressed mood.

The sound of cooking and the aroma of cooking wafted out from the canteen, causing the calico cat in Index's arms to start meowing.

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