Even so, the woman's evasive movements were full of fatigue. She rolled around on the ground and was about to stand up...

"I already said that--"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! !

Continuous metal arrows shot out rapidly!

Upon closer inspection, the woman's dress sleeves and excess fabric on her skirt were pierced by a total of twelve metal arrows, and the woman was completely pinned to the asphalt road.

"Don't move! Don't you understand Japanese?"

Shirai Kuroko said quietly.

This is also an attack method that utilizes the ability to move in space.

Instantly move the arrow hidden in the skirt to the coordinates specified in your heart.

Not only does it have machine gun-level power and bursts of fire, but because it moves from space to space, it will not be blocked by shelters, and there is no need to worry about anyone being injured by stray bullets. It can be said to be a very terrifying attack method.

However, even after witnessing such an ability, the woman's expression remained unmoved.

The corners of his mouth slowly and quietly extended to both sides of the mask-like face, forming a slender smile.


On the contrary, Shirai Kuroko frowned in surprise.

Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred on the ground directly behind her.

"……what happened……?"

Although Shirai was extremely surprised, he had no time to look back. The entire asphalt road bulged, throwing Shirai's body into the air. It wasn't until his back hit the hard ground that Shirai finally looked back.

Huge arms.

Like a long-necked dragon poking out of the water, an arm over two meters long grew out of the asphalt road.

Although the shape of this arm is the same as a human arm, the material is made of asphalt, bicycles, roadside guardrails, etc. It is created by condensing the surrounding things together and reshaping them like clay.

It's like a steel arm attached to a heavy machine during building demolition work.

Shirai hurriedly tried to escape from that position, but found that his ankle seemed to be stuck by something.

The ground and the ground near the base of the arm were bulging, and the broken asphalt was intricately interlocked. Shirai's foot was caught in the gap.

"Ah... ugh... I didn't expect this person outside... to be a person with super powers...?"

The pressure on his feet became more and more intense, and Shirai's expression couldn't help but twist.

Turning around, he saw that the woman who was pinned to the ground was holding something similar to white chalk in her hand, writing some strange marks on the asphalt road.

It didn't look like the symbols used in scientific research, but rather like magical words with strange powers and chaos.

Just like replacing long numbers with a few short keys on a mobile phone, prepare several symbols with special meanings in advance to hypnotize yourself and control your superpowers.

Shirai, who knew nothing about magic, tried to analyze the phenomenon in front of him with the knowledge he possessed.

"It's... too bad... I have to stand up quickly...!"

Shirai tried hard to regain her composure, when she discovered something.

There is a bulge at the base of the "arm" made of stone that extends from the ground. Shirai's feet are sandwiched inside. The bulge is rounded and looks like a human face.

Her feet felt like they were caught in the teeth of the asphalt.


Shirai's ability is spatial movement. Not limited by the constraints of the three-dimensional space, he can freely travel through space.

But this ability has weaknesses.

The phrase "moving in space" sounds simple, but in fact the principle behind it is to first break away from three-dimensional thinking, find your own coordinates in eleven dimensions, and then calculate the movement vector.

This kind of calculation behavior is different in complexity from the simple commands constructed in the mind of ordinary superpowers, such as "send flames" and "send lightning strikes".

Therefore, once she falls into a state of severe pain, anxiety, and confusion, and is unable to maintain a normal mind, she will lose her computing power, and therefore will not be able to use space to move.

The teeth on the asphalt road shrank slightly with a squeaking sound by several millimeters, and Shirai screamed in pain.


It was clear that he could escape immediately by using his spatial movement ability, but he was unable to think calmly because of his nervousness.

Looking carefully, the woman lying on the ground was smiling slightly, moving the white chalk with only the strength of her wrist.

The huge arm seemed to be under control, the elbow joint slowly bent and changed direction.

It's like adjusting the angle in order to kill the bugs on the ground.

Shirai understood very well, but he couldn't move.

The severe pain and the tension of death affected her calculation ability, making it difficult for her to escape despite having the means of spatial movement.

It's like not being able to find your underwear when you're wearing pants.

The woman waved her white chalk, drawing a curve in the air, and clenched the five fingers of her arm hard.

The teeth biting Shirai's ankle also became stronger at the same time, and Shirai closed his eyes in pain.

His vision was blocked by himself, and all he could hear in his ears was an inexplicable, shuddering sound.

However, that was not the sound of Shirai's foot bones being crushed.

It was the sound of an arm being severed.


This sudden blow made Shirai open his eyes in surprise.

Buzz buzz~~~~

A strange sound, like the beating of a bee's wings amplified hundreds of times, echoed in Shirai Kuroko's ears.

After taking a closer look, something that looked like both a black whip and a long knife stretched tens of meters in the air, and the buzzing sound was caused by this thing.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that it is composed of iron sand. A huge amount of iron sand is controlled by energy such as magnetism, thus vibrating.

That is Misaka Mikoto's "Iron Sand Sword".

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