This is an oil crayon specially used to draw magic circles. It is made from selected salt and holy oil.

"God shaped the earth into shape, breathed it into life, and named it human being——"

Shirley sang, waving the crayon on the drink vending machine next to her, drawing lines that looked like words and pictures at the speed of drawing a sword.

"Later, mortals learned the secret method from the mouth of the fallen angel——"

She held a crayon in her hand and wrote about all the objects she saw on the road.

"But it is difficult for mortals to achieve this holy method, and it is difficult for fallen angels to convey it correctly——"

After drawing nearly seventy-two marks, she raised her oil crayon and wrote in the air.

"——In this way, the life created by human hands will eventually become a puppet of rotten earth. The time has come. Alice, the stone giant with the smell of mud, serve me until death!"

Finally, Shirley clapped her hands.

for a moment,

A creaking sound like a dead pustule being squeezed came from all directions. Not one or two, but dozens. Because the voice was quite low, it was covered up by the voices and footsteps of the students, so no one heard it.

Yet changes did occur.

Countless eyeballs began to appear out of thin air from various places, and the density was so dense that anyone who saw this scene would die on the spot.

Shirley pulled out a piece of black paper the size of a postcard.

"Automatic secretary... this is the target... wind... cut... how do you pronounce this? Is the standard notation here hieroglyphics?"

Chapter 107 Oh hoo~ (3/5)

The white oil crayon dances and writes words quickly on the black paper. Shirley didn't know how to read Chinese characters, so she just treated the intelligence texts in her mind as "pictures" and painted them on paper in a copying manner.

Then Shirley flicked her fingers, and the black paper the size of a postcard flew out of her hand, spinning like a Frisbee and sliding to the ground.

Written on the paper were the words "Wind Cutting Binghua".

The white words on black paper that were written in pencil on a notebook and then highlighted, attracted dozens of earthy eyeballs.

The eyeballs gnawed and tore the small pieces of paper into their mud-like bodies. In less than a few seconds, the black piece of paper had disappeared without a trace.

The countless eyeballs that had eaten the scraps of paper scattered in all directions like cockroaches that had gathered together and fled in a hurry.

Some slide on the ground and some dive into the concrete. Every eyeball keeps turning.

"Don't keep me waiting too long, Alice."

Shirley said with a smile before disappearing into the crowd.


Xia Qing, who originally wanted to go home, was forced to go to the underground mall by Index and was forced to eat a nutritious lunch.

It tastes pretty good though…

The time now is one o'clock in the afternoon, and the ground should have been baked by the scorching sun, turning it into a scorching hell.

Because the underground mall is air-conditioned, it always maintains a comfortable and pleasant temperature. Therefore, it is not bad to stay in the underground mall until the sun fades.

Feng Zhan Binghua paid attention to the expressions of Xia Qing and Index and asked cautiously.

"Uh...then...where are you going to play next...?"

"I don't know, Xia Qing, what's fun in the underground street?"

For Index, just standing in the passage of the underground street felt very fresh, so she was not dissatisfied at all and decided to leave the leadership to Xia Qing.


ask him?

How could Xia Qing, who had just arrived in this world for more than a month, know such a thing...

What's more, he has never been to this place before.

In this case, the only option is to rely on the system.

‘System, give me a map. ’

[yes. ]

Following the system's response, a light blue light curtain that only he could see appeared in front of Xia Qing, which displayed all the shops and routes within the underground street.

"emmmm... In the underground street, the only thing you can play is the electric amusement park..."

Xia Qing put her chin on the map and said.

But in the eyes of Index and others, Xia Qing looked a little dull, as if she was looking at the air.

Perhaps to prevent noise from escaping, most of Academy City's electric amusement parks are concentrated underground.

Electronic sound effects poured out of the store like a flood, and Index was stunned.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!! What is that? There are a lot of TVs in there Wow!!!"

"That's not TV...well, that's TV. If you're serious, you lose. That's TV."

"This kind of letting go seems a bit..."

The amusement parks in Academy City can be roughly divided into two types.

External store and internal store.

The game consoles in the external store are imported from outside Academy City, while those in the internal store are developed by institutions within Academy City.

The level of civilization in Academy City is twenty or thirty years ahead of the outside world, and this is also true on game consoles.

However, because outside game companies cannot keep up with the technology inside Academy City "because the technology is not open to the outside world," the latest game consoles developed in Academy City are prone to software deficiencies.

What Index and others saw was an "internal store".

It is more like an indoor amusement park than an electric amusement park.

The store is filled with large-scale motion sensing machines developed with the latest technology, and it looks like an exhibition venue at a science fair.

"Great... great! There are twinkles and twinkles everywhere, and there are tinkling sounds! Xia Qing, I want to play with that!!"

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