The girl kneeling on top of the cleaning robot, holding the mop against the ground, seems to be organizing the cleaning robot's progress in this way.

"Big, big, big, bad, bad, the silver-haired nun has been captured!"


"This is a kidnapping incident. The murderer said that if I inform the guards, he will tear up the ticket!"

Later, Wu Xia handed Xia Qing an envelope. After opening it, the paper showed words that seemed to have been specially compared with a ruler and then written down. They were so neat that they were unbelievably neat.

"By the way, that person is over 180 centimeters tall, has red hair, and has something like a barcode on his face——"

"Okay, you don't need to say any more."

Xia Qing interrupted the girl, then tore the letter in his hand into pieces and threw them into the trash can.

Immediately afterwards, some folded papers fell out of the envelope. When they were opened, they turned out to be Academy City's travel permit and related documents.

All required fields above have been completed.

"It seems that it is necessary to go out..."


Not long after, Xia Qing came to the "outside" of Academy City.

The outer walls are over five meters high and three meters thick.

"During the preparations for the Great Star Festival, the vigilance was really loose."

Xia Qing turned around and glanced at the entrance in the distance.

The preparation work for the Daihasei Festival, which has as many as 2.3 million participants, is also quite extensive, and many outside businesses continue to pour into Academy City.

Although Academy City is usually heavily guarded, it is now in a dilemma where it has to relax its guard.

The guards seemed to have become much more sloppy in their review of Xia Qing's outing certification documents.

The time now is just after six o'clock in the evening.

There was still nearly an hour before the time indicated in the letter.

The location mentioned in the letter is about one kilometer away from Xia Qing.

"What will happen next..."

The time span is getting longer and longer, and Xia Qing feels that sometimes her brain is not enough.

Just like recalling the games he played on the FC Famicom when he was a child, Xia Qing could only recall the ones that left a deep impression on him, but he couldn't remember the others.


While passing by a bus stop, Xia Qing was suddenly blocked by a girl.

The girl is about 1.6 meters tall, and her clothing is quite strange. She is wearing a dark monastic uniform in this hot weather.

Of course, the sleeves and skirt are both long.

If you look closely, you can see that there are a row of horizontal silver zippers on the shoulders and about 20 centimeters above the knees. Once opened, the monk's clothes should be able to be turned into short sleeves and a skirt, but she didn't do that. .

Her dress, which covers her whole body, makes her breasts and slender waist very obvious (it even makes people suspect that she is deliberately emphasizing these parts).

Her hands were covered with thin white gloves, and even her hair was not visible.

In addition to wearing the nun's hat that Index usually wears, she also has a kerchief covering her entire head, including all her hair.

Since the hair can be simply covered up with a piece of cloth, it seems that it should be short.

The nun slightly bowed her head towards Xia Qing and asked extremely respectfully.

"I would like to interrupt your precious time, but if I want to go to Academy City, can I take this bus?"

"No, there is no bus to Academy City."

Xia Qing looked at the site displayed on the platform and explained to her.


The nun tilted her head.

At this time, a dilapidated bus drove up from a distance. As soon as the automatic door of the bus opened, the girl walked over like a self-navigating AI.

Xia Qing quickly reached out and grabbed her sleeve.

"I just said you can't take the bus here, right?"

Xia Qing frowned.

The nun reacted as if delayed after hearing this.

"That's what you said. I'm really sorry for bothering you so many times."

The nun nodded to Xia Qing with a wry smile, then stepped onto the steps of the bus and walked into the bus.


There is no more.

Xia Qing felt that the nun might have a problem with her IQ, so she left the bus stop without hesitation after getting on the bus.

And the nun who took the bus, while looking at the scenery outside, suddenly thought of something and said "Ah!"

Only then did she remember that she had taken the wrong bus.

So, when the bus arrived at the next stop, the girl rushed off without hesitation. Even the driver had no time to think about why she couldn't even pay for the bus.

"Ah...where is this..."

The nun looked at the area lined with high-rise buildings in confusion. There was not a single soul on the street. It was as if she had arrived in an empty city.

At this time, the ground shook——

Chapter 124 Orthodox Sister Yanis (1/4)

Steele and Index walked out of the theater hall of Boming Seat and came to the front hall that seemed to be the ticket office.

A girl wearing dark monastic uniform walked in front of the two of them.

She is about one or two years younger than Index.

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