This dark group are regular Orthodox nuns. They spread out the map and kept drawing lines on the map with quills dipped in red ink.

It seems that they are searching for the location of this target, and because of the large number of people, they are scattered everywhere.

It was a noisy and busy night for these nuns.

Xia Qing, Index, and Steele could only stand aside and watch the nuns' actions.

This is to avoid confusion among Orthodox nuns due to different command systems, so the three of them always adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

"In the end, we just stood here stupidly after all the fuss?"

Xia Qing complained.

"...Well, our reinforcements should have arrived by now. I don't know why those guys from the Knights haven't arrived yet."

Steele said in annoyance, blowing out white smoke.

"Also, we can definitely come in handy in this matter. No, to be precise, she can come in handy."

The "she" in Steele's words should refer to Index.

"Because this matter is related to the Book of Magic, and it is also the original text of the Book of Laws."

Steele concluded the topic on his own, so Index gave a simple explanation on behalf of Steele.

"The so-called "Book of Laws" is said to be a magical book written with secret codes that no one in the world can decipher. The content in the book is quite precious. As long as it can be successfully deciphered, one can gain extremely powerful power.

Now, a girl has finally figured out how to interpret the magic book. However, the Amakusa Cross Cult took away the "Book of Law" from the hands of the Roman Orthodox Church and the girl who knew the interpretation method, Orsola... Aquinas. "

"Can't you decipher it? Don't you have a hundred and thirty thousand little yellow...magic books in your mind?"

Chapter 127: Planning (4/4)

"No way, I tried, but the ordinary code is completely different."

Index replied.

At this time, Steele spit out the cigarette in his mouth on the ground, stamped it out with his foot, and said.

"It is said that the spells recorded in the "Book of Laws" are too powerful. Once used, the world will face the end. Whether this legend is true or false, if this book can be sealed forever, it will of course be the best solution. Nothing better.

There is even a theory that people who read this book can freely use angelic spells that exceed human limits. "


Xia Qing looked down at the ground and muttered to himself.

Steele said to him with a chuckle.

"Perhaps without faith you can't imagine the so-called angels."

"The Book of Law must be very powerful. There is no doubt that the person who wrote the Book of Law is the most powerful magician in legend. This person is even qualified to be recorded in the New Testament.

The era when he was active was only seventy years ago, but in these seventy years, the evolution of magicians even surpassed the history of thousands of years.

Currently, about 20% of the magicians in the world are his disciples, and nearly 50% of the magicians have been more or less influenced by him. "

Index said with a serious expression.

"I think that the "Book of Laws" is definitely not in vain. Even if the power of this book is more terrifying than the rumors, I will not be surprised."

A group of nuns wearing black monastic uniforms ran past the three of them, making bursts of footsteps.

"Wait, who is the magician you are talking about?"

"Edward Alexander, also known as Crowley, lies in a grave somewhere in the English countryside."

Steele took out the cigarette case from his arms, pulled out a cigarette from it, and said.

"In short, according to records, this guy is the worst scumbag. During his travels, in order to conduct a magic experiment, he used his wife who traveled around the world with him as a medium to contact the guardian angel Edwards.

Moreover, when his daughter Lilith died, he was still indifferent to the theory of magic, and even used a group of little girls about the same age as his daughter as victims in order to conduct experiments...

However, he was indispensable in finding a new definition for the so-called otherworld, that is, "different levels but overlapping realms" such as the heavenly realm or the demonic realm, and also opened up a new horizon for magical rituals. "

Steele deliberately blew out white smoke at Xia Qing, with a successful smile on his lips.

"In short, there are countless legends about this magician, and the same goes for the "Book of Laws". It is said that every time he is in a dilemma where he cannot make a choice, he will use the "Book of Laws" for book divination. , decide what to do based on the divination content.

In other words, this is a magic book that can determine the direction of the world's strongest magician. It is equivalent to mastering the history of modern Western magic. Therefore, it is best not to take the "Book of Laws" too simply. "

As Steele said, he seemed to be getting agitated and couldn't help but smacked his lips.

The nuns who had just passed by them ran back again. One of the nuns smelled the smell of smoke and immediately showed an unhappy expression on her face.

In her hand she held a huge gear about one meter in diameter. It was unclear whether it was a weapon or had some other purpose.

After giving the instructions in English, Yanis came to the side of Xia Qing and the others while swaying in her short skirt. Her frighteningly high thick-soled sandals made a clicking sound when they came into contact with the ground.

He spoke in somewhat awkward Japanese.

"Ah... uh... I'm ready to start explaining the situation now. Are you ready?"

This wonderful way of speaking is just a little better than that of a baby who is just learning a language.

It seemed that because she was talking to a foreigner for the first time, Yanis was now stiff, her feet were shaking, and her whole face was flushed.

"I'm a little nervous about showing off my poor Japanese in front of you. Ah, can you speak other languages? It would be better to use a language far away from the cultural circles of both parties, such as Abar or Berber..."

This was the first time Xia Qing heard these two languages, but unfortunately, he couldn't speak them.

"Isn't it okay to use English? My speaking is not very standard, but communication is still no problem."

Xia Qing said.

At the same time, I was glad that I had not thrown away all the English I had learned.

Because of the tense relationship, Yanis spoke very quickly, and Index said to her something like "calm down and take a deep breath" next to her.

Finally, Yanis patted her flat chest, took a few deep breaths, and managed to calm down her chaotic emotions.

He spoke in his familiar English.

"I'm really sorry. Then, I will now begin to explain the movements of the Book of Law, Orsola Aquinas, and Amakusa, as well as our future course of action."

“Currently we can confirm that Orsola Aquinas fell into the hands of Amakusa Shiki, and as for the whereabouts of the Book of Laws, we are probably close to that.

This time, there were about fifty Amakusa-style enemies against us. They found her near the bus stop during the day, and after catching her, they escaped through the sewers, but they may not still be in the sewers now. "

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