Index asked.

“The biggest purpose of the Amakusa Shiki is to rely on Orsola to learn how to interpret the Book of Laws. If they take Orsola as a hostage and end up killing Orsola, then their plan will be in vain.

Since they want to get the power of "Book of Law" so much, they will protect Orsola's safety. "

Steele shook the cigarette in his mouth and answered.

"It seems that because of the loss of Kanzaki, Amakusa Shiki wanted to use the "Book of Laws" to make up for the reduced combat power, and since they adopted such a tough method, it can be seen that they have been forced into a hurry.

In other words, if the "Book of Law" robbery plan fails, they will no longer have the power to make a comeback, so they will definitely pay double attention to the safety of Orsola. "

"On the other hand, this means we must rescue Orsola before Amakusa decides to die together, right?"

Xia Qing nodded.

Agnes seemed to understand this subtle dilemma and said.

"To this end, I want to divide the manpower into two sides for action. Eighty percent of our Orthodox main force will serve as decoys to attack the Amakusa style head-on.

During this period, please form a guerrilla team to explore the inside of the parallel dessert paradise. Once you find the "Book of Laws" and Orsola, take them back. "

Agnes stepped on the ground with the soles of her thick-soled sandals and continued.

"The last time when special movement magic can be used is at 05:05 in the morning. Once it is not found after this time, we will assume that Orsola is not in the park.

At that time, please leave the parallel dessert park first. After we defeat the Amakusa style, we will launch a carpet search of the park. "

Index spoke at this moment.

"The "vortex point" of the special movement magic cannot be ignored. If it is not destroyed, Amakusa Shiki may escape from the "vortex point" with Orsola.

Although the opened "vortex point" can be easily destroyed, the "vortex point" must wait until midnight to open. If you want to stop this magic before then, you must destroy the props used to prepare the ceremony.

The problem is that the Amakusa style is best at hiding things from others, so it may not be easy to find these props. "

"Looking for the Book of Law and Orsola, destroying the "Vortex Point"... It seems that our schedule is quite tight."

Steele said, spitting out his cigarette on the ground and putting it out with his foot.

"That's right. If we find Orsola, it's almost over."

Xia Qing said with a smile.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Steele raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Qing, feeling a little confused about his inexplicable smile.

Then, he suddenly came to his senses, and the look he looked at Agnes became dangerous.

Chapter 131: Insightful Eye (4/4)

Seeing that everyone was mentally prepared, Yanis raised a hand.

The more than seventy nuns standing behind her all raised their weapons, and the sound of cold metal collisions echoed in the night.

The weapons of these people can be said to be of all kinds.

There are simple and easy-to-understand weapons such as swords and spears, there are also weapons that can barely be regarded as weapons, such as silver staffs and huge crosses, and there are also huge gears and torches with a diameter equal to the height of the person. I have no idea what they can be used for. arms.

Agnes also took a silver staff from the nun beside her.

"...It's really hard to forgive."

Agnes Santis leaned the silver staff on her shoulder, looked at the dark front and said bitterly.

"The purpose of Christianity is to save the world, but those guys use their power in such a meaningless way.

Once they use violence for such a small and meaningless thing, others must use more meaningless violence to stop them. Why can't they even figure out such a simple chain reaction? "

Yanis gritted her teeth.

"Perhaps it's rude of me to say this... But it's not just the Amakusa style. I have a bad opinion of all magicians, especially those modern Western magic societies that appeared in the early twentieth century. Almost all of them only misinterpret the teachings of the Christian religion or play tricks on them. Some back door tricks.

The most famous examples are those magic circles that use the names of archangels such as godlike ones and divine power. Even leaving aside the part of the 20th century, the alchemists who signed contracts with princes and nobles in the era of hunting witches.

He also manipulates magic with the high-sounding argument of "These are the secrets of the Cross, not the magic of witches, and I am also one of God's devout lambs." "

Agnes stepped on her thick-soled sandals and continued.

"What this kind of person likes to do most is to read the Bible from beginning to end, consider every word of God's revelation, and then find contradictions and loopholes in it. This is the so-called "black magic of cross religion."

These people are not terrible foreign enemies, but hateful internal thieves. Just when we were all lining up in line and waiting to receive the bread in accordance with the regulations, those magicians jumped in the queue with all their might.

Therefore, all kinds of inexplicable problems will arise. I don’t mean that magicians cannot receive bread, but the behavior of jumping in line must be condemned. "

Agnese's initial argument gradually deviated from its original meaning and gradually turned into a focus on the supremacy of Christianity. In short, she wanted to emphasize that she could not forgive Amakusa Shiki for breaking the rules that everyone abided by.

However, the real magician Steele was listening to Agnes's impassioned speech, but he only smiled jokingly, looking calm and composed.

As for Index, she looked like she didn't know what to do.


The time soon came to half past eleven.

Xia Qing and the other three came to the barbed wire fence near the employee entrance and exit of Parallel Dessert Park.

Although he hasn't entered the battlefield yet, he can still feel the indescribable sense of depression at this time, as if the air is full of static electricity.

Steele spoke at this moment.

"It's useless even if they have the "Book of Law", and the "Book of Law" is already in the child's head. The original scripture has no value to us, not to mention that the owner of the "Book of Law" is an orthodox believer Even if a person is lost, it doesn’t matter to us Puritans at all.”

"But it's okay."

"The diversionary operation will start at 11:30. We must enter the park at the same time. It seems that the time is almost..."

Steele suggested to Xia Qing.

"In that case, it's up to you to do the invasion. My melee ability is not strong, so it's more suitable for you to do it."

"What about Index?"

"I want to follow too!"

Index said immediately.

Just when she just finished saying this...

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