"It was so stupid to be forced into a desperate situation and finally sneak away from those strange Asians. Those pigs can't even read the Bible. What can we expect from them?

What Amakusa style, what Puritanism, those guys have no right to talk about Christianity. They are not human beings, they are just beasts like pigs or mules. They put their precious lives in the hands of this group of rubbish. Yes, Orsola is indeed a fool. "

Agnes sneered.

Chapter 136 Yanis’ shock! (4/4)

The Church of Ossola is composed of seven churches.

Each church is responsible for one of the seven sacraments of the Cross.

Churches are not uniform in size, and the size of the building and the amount of money invested in it vary according to the frequency of use and importance.

The building where Orsola and others were staying was the "marriage chapel" that was specially designed to hold weddings.

This is the sacrament that earns the most, so the building is also the largest.

The second largest building is the "Anointing Church" dedicated to funerals.

As for the "Holy Orders Church" and "Confirmation Church", although they also have very important religious significance, they cannot make money from ordinary people, so the buildings are smaller.

These smaller buildings are filled with sculptures, paintings, stained glass and other works of art, and it seems likely that they will be opened to the public as art galleries or museums in the future, allowing the church to earn additional income.

Basically this is all the information about this church that can be obtained from the Internet.

However, it is really strange that church insiders took the initiative to set up an explanatory website for the church.

Perhaps based on the consideration of tourist guides, the website even disclosed the completed plan and floor plan of the church. Of course, what is disclosed on the website is only the scope that can be disclosed to the public.

While Yanis was cursing Amakusa Shiki in the church and belittling Xia Qing and others, three figures walked in from the gate.

"Sorry, we're late."

As soon as she saw Xia Qing and others approaching, the originally contemptuous expression on Yanis's face instantly transformed into a gentle and elegant attitude.

"Guys, have you found any clues about Orsola? We only captured a few remnants of the party after we broke through."

After Yanis finished speaking, she spoke to the nuns on the side.

"Go and bring those Amakusa-style people over!"


The two nuns were just about to walk out of the door, but unexpectedly Xia Qing suddenly said at this moment.

"It's not necessary."


Yanis frowned in confusion.

At this moment, Steele raised the talisman in his hand without hesitation.

"MTWOTFFTO (one of the five elements that build the world), IIGOIIF (the great ancestor's flame)───"

He has affixed talismans to various places outside, and because the places where they were affixed are relatively hidden, even the nuns patrolling around could not detect them.

"IIBOL (that is the light of grace that breeds life), AIIAOE (that is the light of punishment that punishes evil)───"

The high-temperature flame of 3,000 degrees Celsius is constantly growing.

"IIMH (brings stability and happiness), AIIBOD (also eliminates the misfortune of cold darkness and freezing cold)───"

The entire church was like an oven as the temperature continued to rise.

"IIZF (its name is fire), IIMS (its job is a sword), ICR (appear), MMBOP (gnaw my body and turn into power)───"

The chanted spell was finally coming to an end. Although the spell was very long, Steele was actually very familiar with this spell. He chanted the spell very quickly and it only took less than ten seconds to chant it. complete.

"Innocentius (King of Witch Hunters)!"

Facing this terrifying magic, a look of panic appeared on Yanis's face for the first time. After hearing her call, the nuns outside the gate, whether on the eaves or on the ground, all moved towards the gate. came in.

In an instant, the originally very spacious church immediately became much smaller due to the increase in the number of people.

"Tsk! It seems like you already know what you really want~"

Yanis's eyes instantly changed from the blank look before to the look as if looking at a lower creature.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to hide. You idiots will be buried here today!"

Agnes held a silver staff in her hand, with a very thin handle and a statue of an angel on the top.

The angel moved like a "thinker", but there were six wings on his back like a cage, enclosing the angel.

clang--! clang--!

There were two crisp sounds.

Agnes took off the thick soles of her left and right sandals and kicked them backwards.

She held the staff in both hands and recited the hymn.

The angel wings curled at the top of the silver staff bloomed like petals.

The six wings are like the dial of a clock, pointing correctly in the direction of the six equal parts of the circle.

One of the idols. Following the law of the Son of God and the Cross, connect the alien with the alien.

Yanis chanted in her mouth and began to swing the silver staff gently.


The front end of the silver staff hit the marble pillar, making a sound.

Immediately afterwards, Yanis waved the silver staff in her hand and targeted Xia Qing.

In her opinion, Xia Qing has never shown any power in front of her from beginning to end, and as a rune magician, Steele has heard of his name, so now she plans to give priority to this one. Get rid of the weakest boy.

By the way, the weapon Agnes uses is the "Lotus Wand" made of silver, which is the symbol of the fifth element "ether" among the five elements.

As long as this rod is damaged, other corresponding objects will also be damaged.

Ignoring distance and thick armor, it directly attacks the body.

The power of the spell comes from the power of wielding the "Lotus Staff" - that is, Agnes' own arm strength, so the destructive power is limited.

However, the power of the silver staff wielded by Agnes herself was too weak.

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