Chapter 148 Special Box (2/4)

Shirai's throat made an unnatural sound.

Her spatial movement ability was unable to accurately remove the bullets one by one.

Ten pistols fired together.

But before that, Shirai had already performed spatial movement, and the target location was behind the man standing at the back.

Shirai Kuroko disappeared out of thin air together with her suitcase, leaving only her shriveled schoolbag alone in the air.

Then, the schoolbag fell to the ground.

When the men saw the enemy disappear, they were all confused.

Shirai took advantage of this opportunity, grabbed the huge suitcase with both hands, and knocked the man at the back hard on the back.


The man standing at the back screamed, causing all the robbers to turn their heads.

Shirai then touched one of them and used spatial movement again.

This person was immediately moved, but the distance was only a few centimeters, but the direction of his body was turned 180 degrees.

All eight men turned around, but the man who was moved stood face to face with them.

Like infighting, guns were pointed at each other's companions.


The man whose body direction had been changed hurriedly raised the muzzle of the gun upwards, when Shirai took the opportunity to kick him in the back.

The robbers fell to the ground one by one like dominoes.

Shirai struggled to lift the suitcase and swung it at the men's gun-holding wrists.

Short screams continued to sound. Each man's body was trapped by his companions and he was unable to escape. He did not dare to shoot for fear of hitting his companions.

In the end, these men armed with murderous tools were knocked unconscious one after another without the ability to resist.

"It's really easy to deal with, but it makes people feel uneasy."

Shirai said sarcastically, but no one could answer.

Shirai kicked the robbers lightly with his toes to confirm whether they were still conscious, and then took out the non-metallic handcuffs specially designed for Feng Ji committee members and cuffed them.

The handcuffs ran out when the fourth person was handcuffed, so they had to use discarded cables on the ground nearby for emergency purposes.

Although the men's wrists were compressed, they still did not wake up.

After contacting the guards with his cell phone, Shirai looked at their equipment.

I couldn't tell the name or model of the pistol, but it was completely different from the gun used by Fengji Committee member during training.

The pistols developed in Academy City are not made of metal, so they are quite light, but their guns are as heavy as steel.

There were some numbers and English letters engraved on the side. Shirai guessed that it might be the official model of the gun.

But other than that, there are really no clues. After all, Shirai is not a guard who is good at firearms combat. She usually relies on super powers to fight, and she has no professional knowledge of weapons and equipment.

In addition, after searching the bodies of these men in suits, no ID cards or other documents were found.

Maybe it was removed on purpose.

Shirai looked at the man's face on the ground and couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"Gold Teeth? What's going on with this nouveau riche's sense of déjà vu..."

A certain man who was unconscious with his mouth open caught Shirai's attention.

Academy City has developed many excellent new materials, so now no one in the city wears gold teeth.

When I took out the mobile phones in their pants pockets, I saw that the phone book was empty and the model was old. It really didn't look like something sold in Academy City.

The technology in Academy City is said to be 20 to 30 years more advanced than the outside world.

In addition to electronics, differences can also be seen in gadgets that, at first glance, may not seem to be associated with the latest technology.

"Judging from the posture of holding a gun, it seems that I have received some training, but I have no control over my superpowers. It feels like the first time I meet a person with superpowers...

It seems that they should be experts from the outside world, so they are quite unfamiliar with superpowers. "


In other words, this is a suitcase that outsiders can go to great lengths to sneak into and seize.

Shirai looked at the suitcase at hand again.

The suitcase is very large, just like a normal suitcase, it is rectangular in shape and seems to be big enough to hold a girl who is curled up with her knees in her arms.

The color is white and seems to be made of a special material. The surface is shiny like a layer of wax.

She reached out and touched the clasp of the suitcase.

"Sure's locked."

But if you look closely, you will find that the lock on it is very delicately made.

In addition to two traditional locks and one electronic lock, there is also a magnetic lock that claims to have unlimited combinations.

"Unfortunately, in my hands, these locks are meaningless."

Shirai has the ability to move through space.

Since she can only move objects she touches, she cannot remove the contents of the box, but she can move only the outer box to achieve the same effect.

If it is a huge box such as a bank vault, of course it cannot be moved, but a mere suitcase is not a problem.

Shirai calmly placed his right hand on the suitcase and touched the surface with his fingertips.

At this time, she suddenly noticed something.


Shirai found that the suitcase had no gaps at all, as if it had been waterproofed. Rubber seals and the like were stuffed everywhere to block all the gaps.

"Could it be that... the thing inside is sensitive to light like a film? It shouldn't be... a very fragile thing, right? It's too bad, I used it to knock those men unconscious."

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