"That's right, after all, there is the magic of "dispelling idlers"."

Xia Qing nodded.

"The bus number is 5154457. It is located two hundred meters away from South Street. When the bus enters an uninhabited area, you will detonate it directly."

Steele glanced at Xia Qing in surprise.

"You also have an eyeliner?"

Xia Qing answered ambiguously.

"What do you think?"


Steele, who so far had no idea what "power" was behind Xia Qing, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if trying to see through him, but in the end to no avail, he just took a long puff of the cigarette and cleared away the smoke. Spit out towards Xia Qing's face.


Knowing that he didn't like smoking or drinking, Steele laughed with some schadenfreude.

"Then I will arrange the "dispersal of idlers" first, and you can catch up first."

Then, the two separated briefly. Although they were going in different directions, they had the same goal.

At the same time, the female magician sitting on the bus was still thinking about how to attract the attention of Xia Qing and others, but she didn't know that the other party had already arrived first.

Chapter 162 Orianna (4/4)

The people in the bus were still thinking about strategies, but they didn't know that the crisis had already arrived.

boom--! ! !

The crowd stayed away, and the huge explosion was as indifferent to the crowd as if it didn't exist.

The automatic bus, which was slowly increasing in speed, sprayed out violent flames from the side. A second later, the bus exploded, and the entire rear part of the bus slid sideways.

The automatic bus fell sideways on the road, turning sideways with unabated power, turning into a ball of metal rolling on the ground.

The flames shot out vertically upwards and spread to the sides after hitting the arcade above.

"Fortunately, there was no one in the car, otherwise it would have been really difficult."

Xia Qing waved to Steele, who quickly followed.

"Is it set up?"

"If nothing goes wrong, it's impossible not to hear such a loud noise outside."

"I see."

Xia Qing nodded and said smoothly.

"Hey, how did you arrange the "dispersal of idlers"?"

Hearing this, Steele raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth.

"You want to learn?"

"No, just asking."

Xia Qing waved his hand.

If he really had to come by himself, he wouldn't bother to avoid the idlers.

And to avoid those powerful ones, a mere "disperser of idlers" is not enough.

Therefore, if you can't master this kind of technique at a high level or a low level, it won't make much sense to learn it.

What's more, he doesn't only live in this world. In the future, various worlds will unfold one by one like matryoshka dolls, becoming more and more colorful.


The fiercely burning fire pillar rolled up a whirlpool, and the huge firepower was blown away by the tornado inside, and disappeared without leaving any trace.

What blows the flames away is moisture-laden wind, known as fog.

The automatic bus that was still burning just now was covered with a thin film of water on the surface of the wreckage.

Just like leaves getting wet from night dew, the foggy wind coated everything present with a thin layer of moisture.

This moisture does not seem to evaporate due to ordinary flames, but instead robs it of all items that can become tinder, preventing the flame from advancing.

At the center of the mist and wind, stood a woman.

Orianna Townsend's hair, face, work clothes, and belly button were all slightly damp due to the moisture she produced.

She held something like a billboard under her right arm, a flashcard in her left hand, and a piece of paper in her mouth.

It says "Wind Symbol" in blue text.

Orianna spit out the thick paper she was biting and pulled out a strand of saliva from her mouth. She smiled leisurely.

"Hehehe, regardless of the flames formed by using magic power, physical combustion alone cannot make me warm up, big sister. However, I still got wet nervously. Did you see that? Even my clothes got wet. "

Even in this situation, the woman still only showed a look that seemed to be seductive.

But the wet clothes she was wearing would only make anyone look at them full of charm.

"During the Daihasei Festival, what is your purpose in coming to Academy City?"

Steele asked.

This sentence does not require an answer from the other party. Regardless of whether the answer exists, this matter has been determined by him.

"Humph, my name is Orianna."

The woman looked at Xia Qing with a smile and said.

"As for the purpose, you Puritans probably already know it, right?"

As she spoke, she winked playfully, and then tore up a piece of paper with her mouth, making a sound like glasses clinking together.

"You really shouldn't have appeared in front of me unprepared. This was a mistake~"

Just at this moment.


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