Bang——————! ! !

The black shadow suddenly hit the ground, creating a dent. For a moment, dust and smoke billowed, accompanied by the clanging sound of armor.

After the smoke cleared, Saber couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw the person coming, opened her lips slightly, and blurted out.


What responded to the girl was the red lotus flames that bloomed one after another from the dark muzzle.

Da da da da da! ! !

Saber turned over and retreated. The ground she was on one second had holes left by a series of bullets the next.

"This weapon is..."

(PS: Hyakuma can only hide his aura, not "invisibility". In addition, Hyakuma will be discovered by Emiya Kiritsugu at the port because he needs to "share vision", so he finds a position that is easily exposed. In the anime, here It feels quite strange.)

Chapter 51: 100% empty-handed catch (second update)

Saber had an impression of it. It was a weapon that Emiya Kiritsugu had always believed in.

Mechanized shooting weapons that have become mainstream in this modern world.

Red flames erupted from the depths of darkness again, and Berserker's black shadow, illuminated by the muzzle fire, extended into the shape of the opposite sex and spread its teeth and claws on the basement wall.

Saber jumped up without hesitation and rushed out amidst the baptism of flying lead bullets.

The stray bullets with unimaginable destructive power opened large holes in the ground and surrounding tree trunks. The power was obviously not comparable to the weapon Maiya used.

Saber realized that even if she was hit as a Servant, it would still cause fatal injuries, and she gritted her teeth angrily.

Of course, she couldn't possibly know how Berserker obtained the short machine gun.

The black crazy knight held a modern firearm in each hand, manipulating it flexibly as if it were an extension of his own arm.

The barrels and barrels of modern firearms are soaked in hateful magic, transforming into ferocious demonic magic weapons that can even threaten Saber.

The two machine guns were not inferior to the ferocious roar of the Black Knight. They fired at Saber with a scorching roar. Although the supersonic bullets did not exceed the speed of Saber's sword, the rate of fire of more than 20 rounds per second was shocking. Only the power to parry.

Regardless of its origin or era, Berserker can add the attributes of a Noble Phantasm to all weapons in its hand.

Once upgraded to the category of Noble Phantasm, the gap between the two weapons "sword" and "gun" will force Saber into an overwhelming disadvantage.

If this continued, she would only face the dilemma of being forced to escape, so Saber swung her sword and cut the trunk of a big tree directly from the bottom, and then kicked it in the direction of Berserker!

"It's now!"

Berserker, whose vision was blocked by the tree trunks, subconsciously raised the two machine guns upwards and started shooting. However, he did not have time to notice Saber's petite body that instantly jumped out from below.

Saber raised the "Sword of Oath to Victory" high above her head, and in the upper position, she slashed at the dark knight with all her strength in an instant!

Covered in golden light, the "Sword of Oath to Victory" drew a brilliant golden trajectory as it slashed!

The posture, speed, and timing were all perfect. It was a full-out blow worthy of the name of a sword-wielding hero, and it was enough to make people feel that the law of victory had been established.

Because of this, Saber was particularly surprised when the sword she chopped off was caught with bare hands by Berserker who threw away the machine gun.


He caught the sword wrapped around the Wind King's barrier with his bare hands. That stunt was incredible in a double sense.

Not only because he responded to Saber's fatal pursuit with an impossible gesture, but also because the trajectory of the invisible Wind King's barrier was nowhere to be found.

But the black knight took the white blade with his bare hands and defended against Saber's attack, as if he knew the shape and length of Saber's sword very well.

Saber suddenly realized the fatal danger of being touched by Berserker's weapon, and shuddered suddenly.

She threw away the shock in her heart and kicked the black knight in the chest with all her strength!


Berserker, unable to resist and retreated, let go of the sword, allowing Saber's beloved sword to avoid the danger of being eroded by the opponent's magic at the critical moment.

While confronting the black knight without moving at all.

Questions arose in Saber's mind again that she couldn't ignore.

The power of "Wind King's Barrier" is ineffective against Berserker, who is obviously familiar with the sword guarded by an invisible sheath.

In other words, this means that he originally knew Saber before she became a Heroic Spirit.

During the first battle in Warehouse Street, this dark knight showed abnormal obsession and attacked Saber. If that was not the Master's instructions, but the resentment of this crazy heroic spirit...

The more he stared into the black mist, the blurr the details of the armor became.

This means that Berserker's body is surrounded by a "guard" similar to the "Wind King's Barrier", making it absolutely impossible to see the true face of his heroic spirit.

But at this time, Saber had to make sure that the other party was undoubtedly a knight she knew.

"... Judging from your skills, you must be no unknown knight. Let me ask you!"

Saber made up her mind and shouted loudly to the enemy who was facing each other through the flying dust.

"Since Ni recognizes me as the King of Britain, Artoria Pendragon, and challenges me, he should report his origins out of the honor of a knight! The challenge of hiding his identity is like a conspiracy!"

In the silent night sky with twinkling stars, the moonlight from a high-hanging moon illuminates the forest side, making it possible to distinguish everything around him even without lights.

In extremely quiet conditions, Saber could clearly hear the crisp metallic sound of "click, click, click".

Although it was very slight, the sound that penetrated the ears was so cold that it made people feel chilled. There was no doubt that it was from Berserker.

Under the bright moonlight, the dark armor could not help but tremble at this moment.

It was the sound of the armor that completely covered the limbs vibrating slightly like ripples on the water, hitting each other.


Saber finally realized something.

Deep in the Dark Knight's helmet, uncontrollable laughter was revealed.

When Saber noticed this, an indescribable chill ran down her back.

She realized with her sixth sense that she had made a fatal mistake in her previous question.

It's a pity that she realized it too late. The words that would bring about the worst curse for her had already been spoken by her herself.

The black mist covering the Dark Knight's body rolled up into a whirlpool and began to shrink. Under the illumination of the moonlight, the dark armor finally revealed its original appearance.

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