Buildings such as the control tower and experimental facilities are quite large, almost several times the size of the school gymnasium.

However, the sizes of the surrounding taxiways vary widely, and it feels as if they were suddenly placed there.

The fundamental scale difference is too much.

Steele looked at the bus stop in front of the terminal.

"...It is said that this is a classified area, but there are still buses to the general airport, and the buses are still driven by drivers. This should be to monitor industrial spies and get off the bus."

The booming sound of the plane covered up Steele's voice.

Xia Qing couldn't help but look up at the sky. They were three small planes flying side by side, slowly meandering in the sky.

"The security here is basically from the sky. This is just a bluff because the security range is too wide."

Indeed, it would be too difficult to patrol the end of the horizon entirely by humans.

And this is all a runway, there is no shadow to hide from, no way to avoid the sight from the sky.

Steele couldn't help but ask when he saw Xia Qing still looking at the surrounding scenery.

"What are you looking at? With this kind of scenery, if you want to see it in the future, you won't have a chance?"

Xia Qing shook her head gently.

"Who knows if I will have a chance to see it again in the future, take a few more glances and keep it in my mind so as not to forget it later."

"What's the meaning……?"

Steele was completely confused about the meaning of Xia Qing's words.

"It's not interesting, it's just a boring emotion. Let's go find the location of the "Apostle's Cross" transaction first."


The two of them walked towards the front of the airport, and at this moment, the sky was gradually covered by night.

I guess it won't be long before the world falls into darkness.

After Xia Qing and Steele crossed the long runway, the first thing they saw was a woman wearing a white monastic uniform.

"That's her, the Orthodox "Confessional Tuesday" preacher!"

At this time, the nun slowly turned around with no fear on her face. In fact, she still didn't know that Orianna had been knocked unconscious by Xia Qing.

However, Lidovia could still guess that Xia Qing and others were not stopped.

Otherwise, he would not have been found by the other party so quickly.

"Orianna was just a trap deliberately used to focus our consciousness on the street from the beginning, right?"

Xia Qing smiled.


Lidovia was silent for a few seconds, her pretty cheeks slightly raised, and she stared at Xia Qing seriously for a while.

"You are right, her mission is to investigate the personnel involved in this case and the combat forces, and to guide everyone's attention in the wrong direction.

If she wanted to hide, she could have used the technique of "repelling idlers" or cutting off the breath, but she couldn't catch fish without bait, so she kept appearing deliberately. "

the nun's voice continued.

"The use of the "Apostle's Cross" is very time-consuming, and the key observatories are fixed. The biggest worry is that your main attack members know all the gas observatories in advance."

Lidovia Lorenzetti told the whole story.

"For us, how to prevent this matter from becoming the focus is why Orianna deliberately made intentional actions inside Academy City, so that all of you, the main members of the attack, will focus on the inside of the city.

I hold the "Apostle's Cross". Before the time came, I had been waiting for the opportunity at a hotel outside Academy City. I actually erected the cross outside the city. Although the original plan was not perfect, with Orianna's strength, It should be able to delay time..."

There was some doubt in her words.

"Her strength is indeed among the best among magicians, but it's a pity that she has found the wrong opponent."

While speaking, Steele glanced at Xia Qing and continued to ask in a provocative tone.

"You seem very ordinary. Is there any follow-up to the plan?"

Lidovia's voice came out again.

"I want Orianna to try not to use "Remove Idlers" and "Cut Off the Breath". When the initial "quietness inside and outside" is destroyed, it is the preparation stage before the combat operation.

When I saw you guys coming, I did panic. Orianna failed to stop you, so the plan probably failed, but that doesn't mean I lost. "

Chapter 169 The End (3/5)

"Oriana's failure is just a trivial matter in all plans. As far as the results are concerned, the time has already reached night. When the stars shine, it will be the day to take control of the world."

Although Lidovia's words were plain, they made people feel a little unusual.

Perhaps for her, no one should be able to stop the general trend in this short period of time.

"It's useless. For us, the important thing is to surrender the rampant science, that's all. The arrogance of science today is just like the pagans of the past.

So we are to take back the Lord's authority by showing our strength, as we have done in the past, by denying what they believe. "

Her tone changed.

Lines that were cut off midway were completely connected.

"Scientific views, scientific ideas, scientific opinions, the word science used here is no longer pure knowledge, but heresy.

It’s a pity that as long as people hear that science is correct, they will unconditionally believe everything without confirming it with their own eyes. How stupid this is.”

Indeed, the word science is sometimes used in the wrong direction.

"We believe that this is the power of science invading the power of the church. Of course we cannot let this happen. Human hands have tarnished the Lord's reputation. Is it natural to clean it up with human hands?"

Lidovia raised her face arrogantly. Although she was much shorter than Xia Qing, she still showed a condescending attitude.


Xia Qing suddenly uttered these two words, which made Lidovia look stunned and asked subconsciously.


Before Lidovia finished speaking, a sound of "Boom!" came from the distant direction.

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