"That's obviously my true love!!"

Thione immediately shouted loudly.

The entire camp heard her voice, but Tione looked indifferent.

During their argument, Xia Qing had arrived at the dining place.


The portable magic stone lamps were swaying with several lights, and the members of [Loki Familia] were beginning to eat.

The fiftieth floor is a safe floor where monsters will not appear in the dungeon, and there is less risk of accidents or attacks.

There are several safe floors in the dungeon. Just like the [Loki Familia] chose this place as a camping ground, adventurers also use this place as a large-scale rest area.

"Thank you for your hard work in the battle on the 49th floor. Thanks to your full help, we were able to reach the 50th floor. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all, thank you."

"It takes a lot of effort to cross the 49th floor every time, and the number of Fermors appearing today is much greater than before."

"It's good that Floor Master Balor didn't show up."

"Haha, let's have a toast anyway, even if there is no wine, then——"


Finn smiled in response to the Amazon sisters' words and took the lead in calling everyone for a toast, and everyone followed suit.

After all, we were in a dungeon. Although everyone was on guard, they also relaxed a little.

"Xia Qing, thank you for your help too!"

"Easy to do."

Xia Qing raised his beer glass against Finn's and drank it all in one gulp.

There was a large pot in the center of the camp that was set up, and the group members sat around it.

The food in the pot is herbs and nuts picked from the floors along the way, as well as meaty fruits. As the name suggests, it is a stew of fruits with a meaty taste and texture.

Although the nuts and fleshy fruits produced in the labyrinth are food for monsters, they are not harmful to humans or demihumans, so they can be eaten.

For many reasons, meals in the dungeon are often met with portable rations, so this meal can be regarded as a delicacy.

Finn also made arrangements with morale in mind, so that the team members could enjoy the rare food in the dungeon.

The seat next to Xia Qing was occupied by a girl with blond hair and golden eyes.

And because she was sitting here, Lefia naturally sat beside her, her legs wrapped in white garters swaying slightly hesitantly.

"Um, Miss Ais, do you really not want to eat a little?"

"Well, it doesn't matter..."

Aisi bit into her cube-shaped ration.

While Lefiya was asking her, Tiona came over with a container containing only soup. She first said hello to Xia Qing, and then placed the fragrant soup in front of Ais.

"You love to show off so much~ I see your stomach is actually growling~~? Come on, come on~~"


The rich aroma that strongly stimulated the appetite attracted Aiz's attention, but she turned her face away with her iron will.

She firmly believed that overeating meals would affect her physical condition during battle, and vowed to resist the smiling brown devil until the end.

Later, Tiona was knocked on the head by Tione because she was too clingy.

"Then let's confirm our future plans."

After the aftermath was completed, Finn spoke from where the pot had been.

Except for the guards, the others formed a small circle, looking towards Finn.

"The purpose of the 'expedition' is to explore unreached floors. This has not changed. However, this time, the adventurer's commission must be completed before going to the fifty-ninth floor."

Even if Xia Qing, who is not a member of the [Familiar Clan] for the time being, is present, the atmosphere within the team is still unabated.

Adventurer's entrustment refers to the general term for the tasks that adventurers are asked to handle.

The adventurer who accepts the request completes the request and receives a reward from the client in return.

Clients who place orders include [Family Family], merchants, and even the [Guild], the management organization that operates the labyrinth city. It can be said that they are all-encompassing.

"The adventurer's request... I remember it was proposed by [Dean Kate Familia], right?"

"Yes, the content is to collect the specified amount of spring water at the "Cadmus Spring" on the 51st floor."

Thionne asked a question to confirm, and Finn nodded in answer.

Tiona, who was staying next to her sister, immediately started shouting in disgust.

""Cadmus Fountain"...ah! It's so troublesome, why did you accept such a commission?"

"Factions also have to deal with favors, and they offer too much, so there is no way to refuse them casually."

"Really, those guys actually gave us such a troublesome commission..."

After Riveria finished answering, Bert continued to curse like this.

After everyone had finished complaining, Finn continued to speak and told everyone the plan entrusted by the adventurer.

"I want to send two groups of a few elite teams to the 51st floor. The two groups will avoid wasting weapons and props, and return to this stronghold after quickly obtaining spring water. Do you have any questions?"

"Yes! Why are we divided into two teams?"

"Because the amount of spring water requested by the client is another problem, the amount of water that the "Cadmus Spring" can collect is limited. In order to achieve the specified amount, it is necessary to go to two springs."

"Food and other supplies are also limited. After the adventurer's commission is completed, we still have to go to the 59th floor. Therefore, we cannot use up too much time, so we have to divide the troops into two groups to improve efficiency."

After Finn explained, Grace added.

The "expedition" to the depths of the dungeon is also a race against time.

It will take at least five days just to get to the fiftieth floor. If the time to return to the surface is also taken into consideration, it is best to save as much supplies as possible.

"Furthermore, the location of the "Cadmus Fountain" cannot allow too many people to go there. Although the dispersion of combat power has a great impact, it is better to have fewer people, so that it will be easier to move.

…Any other questions? If not, I will select team members. "

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