"We need to deal with [Qianglong] first to ensure safety, and then fill the spring water."

Hearing Tiona's words, Lefiya nodded quickly.

"Well, I, I understand..."

"Thione, what about the fighting methods?"

"Just use the trick as usual. Ace, Tiona and I will go together and suppress the strong dragon first. Lefiya will launch a "big magic" attack. Xia Qing will follow you to protect you. We will take advantage of the strong dragon to be attacked. Kill it when it hits hard!”

Tione put her hands on Lefia's shoulders and said seriously.

"Lefia, this time it's all up to you!"

"Okay, okay!"

Soon, Aisi and others stopped. If you take two or three more steps from the one-way street just now, you will reach the end, leading to an open space.

The "Casmos Fountain" is inside.

Tione silently winked at Ais and the others.

They nodded to each other, and then reorganized their formation, with Tione leading the way.

They walked lightly and walked the short distance remaining.

Tione raised her palm to signal Ais and the others to wait a moment, and then quietly took a peek at the front of the passage.

As long as she gives the signal, everyone will rush in together.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, and the whole team exuded a sense of tense tension.

Lefia pursed her lips into a straight line and clenched her staff tightly. Tiona was not as joking as usual, while Ais was just staring ahead intently.

They lowered their postures, waiting for Tione's signal.

"Wait...something's wrong."

Xia Qing suddenly spoke up.

"Eh? What's wrong?"

Lefiya shrank her neck in fright at the voice and asked hesitantly.

"Don't you think it's too quiet?"

Aisi also noticed this at this time and hurriedly walked forward. She didn't open her eyes until she reached her destination.

"How is this going……"


Tiona and others who followed them could not help but froze in place after seeing the scene in front of them.

The cave is filled with trees that are less dense than the forest, but every tree has been broken or crushed.

The surrounding ground and walls also seemed to have been severely damaged. They were either full of cracks or shattered, and a lot of debris was scattered on the ground.

The most important thing is that there are traces of dissolution everywhere in this scene.

Trees that turned deep purple in some parts are still emitting black smoke and emitting an unspeakable stench.

"Ugh...it smells so bad..."

Tiona frowned and covered her nose with her arm.

Everyone walked into the depths of the cave.

In the messy landscape, only that place was protected like a sanctuary.

The beautiful blue water surface has ripples and the clear spring water.

Located in the deepest part of the cave, a small amount of spring water gushes out from the cracks in the wall from time to time.

The mysterious spring water with deep blue light is slowly accumulating in the low-lying areas covered with flowers and plants.

A lot of dust accumulated in front of such a beautiful spring.

"Is this... the corpse of a powerful dragon?"

Tione looked at the huge body of the dragon that was exactly the same as in his memory, and couldn't help but open his mouth.

“Did [Familiar] other than us defeat the strong dragon...?”

Lefia spoke carefully.

"The number of teams that can reach such a deep level is limited. I have never heard of any [Familiar] expedition that would overlap with ours."

Tione shook his head.

"……not only that."

Ace whispered.

She looked at the "skin of Cadmus" next to the corpse.

"The dropped props were not recovered."

This is very valuable, and just by selling it, you can get enough funds to assemble all the equipment for a large team.

Chapter 11 The magician who specializes in melee combat (4/4)

"I have a bad feeling, let's go back quickly!"

Tione spoke.

"Fill the spring water first."

Lefiya quickly took out a bottle to fill the spring water required for the mission, and then handed it to Xia Qing to put in her backpack.

"Looks like I don't have to go to two springs anymore."

Lefia pursed her lips and said.

"Originally, as soon as the spring water came out, the strong dragon would drink it up in one go, but that won't happen now."

After all, they are all dead...

Everyone walked towards the outside of the cave while analyzing what they saw.

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