As if he had calculated the right moment for everyone to walk through the door, a figure ran out of the mansion and rushed towards a group of girls.

"Is everyone safe? I miss you so much!!"

Loki, who had vermilion hair, spread his arms and spread out, but Ais and the Amazon sisters easily avoided it without taking it seriously.

Lefia, who was at the end of the queue, was severely affected and could only scream "Oh!"

"Loki, no one died in this expedition, but the number of floors reached did not increase. I will report the details to you later."

Finn spoke to Loki.

"Ah, by the way, we also found a good new member this time."

After hearing this, Loki raised his head and took a careful look at Xia Qing, who had an unfamiliar face.

"You can actually do magic. Not bad. Did you find it in the dungeon?"

"That's right."

"Okay, I understand."

Loki nodded, slightly opening his squinted eyes with a thoughtful expression.


As soon as they entered the mansion, the members who stayed at the headquarters rushed to pick up the luggage brought back by the expedition team and move it elsewhere.

As soon as he passed them, listening to the welcoming words of these people saying "You are back" with a smile, Xia Qing felt like he was going to a coffee shop to drink coffee but was greeted by a sitting customer.

The entrance hall uses a little space to create a spacious design, so it has a sense of openness. Although this takes up space in other rooms and passages, Ais still likes this narrow and messy headquarters structure.

After receiving the instruction "Those who are free should take a bath first", everyone tacitly let Ace, Tiona and others use the bathroom first.

Although it may be natural to receive preferential treatment in everything, considering her status, Aiz still felt very embarrassed. However, she could use the bathroom efficiently so that she could quickly change it to someone else, so she accepted everyone's kindness.

Ais first returned to her room to take off her sword and armor, and then asked Tiona and others to take her to the bathroom upstairs.

"Wow! Ace's costume is actually quite bold!"

"Because Loki said she would bite her tongue and kill herself if she didn't dress like this."

Hearing what Tiona said, Ace replied with her eyebrows slightly lowered while taking off her clothes.

The Lord God is inexplicably insistent on things, so the members of the group have to be more tolerant. This is the same in every [Family Family].

"Lefia, take off your clothes quickly, there are people waiting behind you."

"Ah, yes..."

Compared to Tione, who was naked, Lefiya slowly took off her clothes.

There are Amazons who are not shy, and elves who try not to expose their skin in front of others. The differences in racial temperament are truly revealed at this time.

This is also one of the unique situations of the [Family Family] with different races living under the same roof.

Ais looked at them, took off her tights and underwear from her legs, and went to the bathroom herself.

It is said that it is a bathroom, but in fact it is crowded as soon as ten people come in. It is not an exaggeration to call it a shower room.

Although there is a stone bathtub inside, it can only be used by a few people.

The girls let the hot water from the shower head drizzle all over their bodies in the bathhouse, and the white mist instantly filled the entire bathhouse.

"Wow! Lefiya's is so spectacular!"


"What are you doing!!"

Suddenly, the bathhouse was filled with the sounds of girls fighting and screaming.


On the other side, Xia Qing was receiving the [favor] from Loki. The blood squeezed out from his fingers dripped on his back, and then the faint light emitted heralded the completion of the procedure.

Xia Qing and Loki sat on two stools at the front and back respectively. Loki, who was holding a piece of parchment, pressed the paper on Xia Qing's back.

Loki drew a blood-red trace on Xia Qing's sadness like a signature with the blood on his index finger, and finally drew a vertical line.

"Well, okay, the favor has been engraved on it, and it's also locked. This way, even if others see the favor on your back, they won't be able to see your [ability value]."

Loki said.

"But besides gods, there seem to be people who can use divine blood to pick locks, so you still have to be careful."


Xia Qing nodded, and the sound of achievement completion sounded in his mind.

[The achievement "Selection of Familia" has been completed! Reward 1000 points! ]

Then, Loki looked at Xia Qing's upper body and reached out to pat his shoulder.

"Humph, I didn't expect it. I can't see it when I'm wearing clothes. I didn't expect her figure to be so good."


Xia Qing replied.

"Then I will write down your [Ability Value] on the paper and wait a moment."

Loki took the quill and wrote down the summary of [Ability Values] displayed on it on the parchment.

Chapter 14 Family Dinner (3/4)

Xia Qing put on her clothes, and Loki handed him the parchment with [Ability Value] written on it.

"My magic and sword skills are both excellent. I'm looking forward to your updated abilities."

A smile appeared on Loki's face, and he nodded in approval to Xia Qing.

It seemed approved.

Xia Qing thought so in her heart.

"Okay, let's go to the restaurant to eat first. Remember to register your adventurer status at the guild tomorrow."


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