"Then take him for yourself."

Then lure the captured soul into the arms of me, the goddess of love.

There was a certain cruelty hidden deep in the silver eyes full of love and tenderness. Freya narrowed her eyes and showed a pleasant smile.

In the end, she kept smiling and moved her face closer to the silverback ape who was holding his cheek with his hands.

The monster's body trembled pitifully.


The next moment, under Freya's control, the monster roared loudly.

"You have to wait for me~"


"Strange, why haven't Freya and the others come over yet?"

Xia Qing leaned against the wall next to the entrance to the Monster Festival, looking at the crowds of people passing by, and muttered to himself in confusion.

"Maybe he's still shopping."

Hill said, leaning against the wall in the same posture.

Starting with the performance of the festival, people seemed to have begun to enter the arena. The figures on the avenue were completely different from when they came. Except for vendors, there were no other pedestrians at all.

"How about, Hill, go in first?"

Xia Qing asked.


Hill suddenly lowered his head at a loss.

"Wouldn't it be boring to stay here alone? I'll wait here with you."

"Aren't you going to watch Monster Festival?"

Xia Qing turned his head and looked at the girl.

"Of course you have to watch it. When the person you are waiting for arrives, let's go in and watch it together."

Hill replied with a gentle smile.


Xia Qing's mouth twitched and he looked away.

She would stay here to accompany him, probably to repay the favor of helping her carry the purse.

When Xia Qing was thinking this, he suddenly heard the deafening roar of a monster.


Immediately afterwards, there were the frightened screams of people running away in panic.

"There are, there are monsters!!!!"

As if frozen, the peaceful and noisy avenue became silent the next moment.

Then, the monster with pure white fur was rushing towards Xia Qing like crazy, but more than ten meters in front of the monster, stood a scared girl who couldn't move.

The pointed ears, slim figure, and the guild staff uniform he was wearing all made Xia Qing recognize the man's identity at a glance.

Another girl with short cherry-colored hair was rushing towards her. Even though her face was full of fear, she was still shouting at her.



Time goes back to ten minutes ago.

Eina, who was standing guard on the roadside outside the arena, was chatting with her colleague Misha.

"Hey, Eina, let's go eat~"

The human girl who was standing next to Eina came over to talk to her, her short cherry-colored hair fluttering, and her small and exquisite childlike face was always filled with rich expressions, which was very endearing.

"My stomach is so hungry that my chest touches my back from hunger~"

"Wait, Misha, don't pull me."

Misha hooked her arm and reached for Eina.

"Not long ago, I found a very delicious shop. I remember it was in the West District."

"But...if we go there, can we come back before the afternoon break is over?"

Eina asked hesitantly.

"Well, no problem! Probably..."


Looking at the carefree Misha, Eina said with a half-headache and half-wry smile.

The serious Eina and the careless Misha have always acted together since they first met.

Chapter 27 Emergencies (4/4)

Eina happily chatted with friends who had not changed since her school days.

"It's still a while before lunch time, don't worry, Misha."

"I can't do it anymore...I'm almost starving..."

Misha pressed her face against Eina's shoulder.

"Then why not buy some fried potato balls first?"

Eina suggested.

"Yeah! Okay!"

It just so happened that the potato ball shop was not far from where they were, so it wasn't considered AWOL.

Moreover, there are almost no pedestrians on the streets now, and their job of maintaining order seems less important at this moment.

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