The stone slab was lifted up, and the sound of breaking was scattered everywhere!

Stones hit the surrounding shops like bullets, leaving them riddled with holes. The wide road with a banner of at least ten meters was once again filled with smoke.

The monster made a disgusting sound and twisted its slender body. Tiona and Tione immediately punched and kicked it from a blind angle.

"Ah ah!"

"so hard!!"

The moment it hit their skin, they all expressed surprise.

The blow he tried with all his strength was blocked.

Even with bare hands, the violent blows unleashed by the first-level adventurer were enough to make the flesh of ordinary monsters explode, but now they were unable to penetrate or break them.

The smooth body skin, which was proud of its astonishing hardness, was only slightly dented, but it actually caused damage to Tiona and the others' hands and feet.

Tiona shook her broken right hand and her eyes widened.

"The monster reacted with unbearable pain when being attacked by Tiona and the others, and then launched a violent attack as if to vent its anger. Its body snaked violently like a torrent, trying to crush and scatter them.

The Amazon sisters dodged the attack with ease, and then punched the enemy several times. "

"I'll beat you endlessly!"

"If I had known earlier, I would have prepared weapons...!"

The two screamed and screamed while fighting the snake-shaped monster.

They dodge all enemy attacks that would definitely kill them if they were hit.

The monster was slapping it with its whole body like crazy, but Tiona and the others were able to dodge easily by jumping around without even getting a chance.

Neither side was able to deliver a fatal blow to their opponent, and the battle fell into a stalemate.

Outside of the battle, Lefia used the time Tiona and the others had bought to continue chanting.

"——-Liberate a beam of light, the bow of the holy tree, you are a master of archery."

She didn't have a staff that could enhance the magic effect, so she stretched out an arm and chanted a spell.

A short chant with an emphasis on speed.

Although the output power is low, it can fully cope with high-speed battles.

Chapter 31 This magic reading bar is too long (4/4)

Moreover, the target was only focused on dealing with attacks from Diona and the others, and did not pay attention to Lefiya at all.

This gives her more time to aim her attack.

Opening the thick golden magic circle, Lefiya quickly constructed magic.

"——Snipe, Elf Archer, shoot through, the arrow is sure to hit!"

Just when she finished the last syllable, her magic power gathered, and she was about to be liberated, the situation changed.

The monster suddenly changed its posture and turned towards Lefia.


The abnormal reaction speed and the chill shook Lefia's heart.

The monster that didn't care about her suddenly turned its faceless head towards her.

As soon as its vision saw Tiona and the others starting to retreat, it reacted to the "magic power".

Lefia understood this intuitively the next moment.

The impact hit her in the abdomen, sending her flying backwards.



The body floated into the air due to the reaction force, and fell to the ground on its back.

Tiona and the others shouted anxiously. This injury was a fatal injury to the elf's delicate body, and she could not get up from there.

The strange tentacles growing out of the ground wriggled horribly, and the snake-like monster also changed.

I saw the front part of the body lifted up, as if looking up at the sky, and then several lines appeared on the head, and suddenly it bloomed!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

A roar like a broken gong rumbled.

Countless petals bloomed.

The colors are as bright as poison.

In the center is a huge mouth lined with teeth, dripping with mucus.

Deep in the living mouth, inside the pale red body, the magic stone reflects the sunlight, flickering.

"It's not a snake... it's a flower!"

Tiona was surprised to see the monster reveal its true face.

The slender body that makes people mistake it for a snake turns out to be a flower stem, and the faceless head is a flower bud.

The piranha monster blossomed and revealed its ugly appearance, expressing its clear will towards Lefia.

It continuously protrudes from the surrounding ground with countless tentacles branching from its body, and its body crawls towards its prey like a snake.

"Lefia, get up quickly!"

"Ahhh, I'm so annoyed, don't get in the way!"

Tiona and the others tried to run towards her, but were attacked by a swarm of tentacles.

No matter how hard they tried, the yellow-green protrusions kept coming, forming a jungle ready to move, hindering their progress.

Tione's call was useless, the monster was approaching Lefiya lying on the ground.

'I do not want……'

Lefia thought to herself.

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