Xia Qing shook his head gently, patted the girl's head and said.

"You'll know later why I gave you 50%."

Chapter 43 Middle Area (4/4)

In the dungeon, with certain levels as boundaries, the terrain and nature will change.

The first to fourth levels are built with thin cyan walls, and almost all of them are low-level monsters like goblins and imps. There are also very few types.

Although there are subtle changes in individual differences when approaching the fourth level, the only area that can be said to be easy to conquer for novice adventurers is the top level of the maze.

As long as they are not surrounded by multiple monsters when acting alone, that is to say, if they form a team, they will not lose their lives easily.

However, starting from the fifth level, the situation is completely different.

Not only did the walls turn thin green on the outside, but the structure of the dungeon itself also became more complicated. Led by the [Killer Ants] who appeared for the first time in the seventh level, other types of monsters also became more frequent.

Moreover, the time interval between monsters appearing from the wall and falling down is unmatched by Level 4.

It is not uncommon to find yourself surrounded by several monsters crawling out of the wall the moment you enter a dead end.

This is where most newcomers who lack a sense of tension in the upper class end up.

Even if you are not careless, the fifth to seventh levels, where the scales only show the threat of the dungeon for the first time, can be said to be the first difficulties that adventurers encounter.

Once the items you carry are exhausted, you can no longer easily continue to the lower level.

First of all, a sufficient foundation should be laid at the fourth level and above.

And this is not limited to [ability value], experience, weapons, intelligence, as an adventurer's quality, all should be comprehensively improved.

For novice adventurers, they should first strive to accumulate solid power.

"Especially for solo adventurers."

Lily concluded.

At this moment, with a trembling sound from the wall to the right of where the girl was standing, several [Killer Ants] crawled out and rushed towards Lily.

"Ah ah!!!"

Lily, who had never made any mistakes while following Xia Qing along the way, was so frightened that she screamed at this moment.

Then, the [Killer Ant], who was half the height of Lily, was cut into two halves by the jet-black sword blade.

"elder brother!?"

The girl seemed to be used to this title, and she subconsciously yelled this even in panic.


The [Killer Ant] that was cut into two pieces by Xia Qing's sword was still crawling on the ground. This scene made Lily tremble with fright, and then she ran and hid behind Xia Qing.


"Just stay behind me and everything will be fine."

As Xia Qing spoke, he swung his sword to kill all the [Purple Moths] and [Killer Ants] rushing towards him.

"Oh oh oh, Master Xia Qing is so strong~"

Lily shouted with a look of great admiration.

"Then, let's continue going downstairs."

Xia Qing said calmly.

To Xia Qing, it was just an ordinary thing, but to the little human girl named Lily, it was words that made her shoulders tremble with nervousness.

"Well... Lord Xia Qing, the next level is already the thirteenth level belonging to the [middle level]... do you know?"

"I know."

Xia Qing nodded.

"The [Middle Level] is different from the previous levels, there are LV.2 level monsters!"

Lily said anxiously, she was just trying to find a way to take that special ring from Xia Qing, and for this she had prepared the same special "food".

Just wait until Xia Qing is tired of killing monsters, and then hand over the food naturally...

When she thought of this, Lily laughed victoriously in her heart.

‘Hmph~ In this way, you can take the sword away and sell it for money, which is really great! ’

However, until now, after hearing those words from Xia Qing's mouth, Lily swallowed nervously.

She tried her best to persuade Xia Qing to go back.

"Lord Xia Qing, are you already at LV.2? If you are only at LV.1, going to a lower level is completely asking for death."

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for this man to reach LV.1, because as far as I know, it has only been less than a week since he joined the [Familiar Clan]!

Lily was filled with confidence.

'But... no matter how much I inquire, I can't find the [Family] to which he belongs... This is so strange...'

Forget it, there's no need to think so much. In short, after getting the ring that can definitely be sold for a sky-high price, let's break away from that dark [Familiar Family].

After finally seeing a glimmer of hope, the girl never wanted to let go so easily.

"It doesn't matter. Let me tell you why, because I'm already at LV.2."


Lily let out an incomprehensible cry of surprise.

"It's only been a few days...I've been promoted to LV.2 or something..."

"Huh? What do you mean by Lily talking about a few days? Did you investigate me specifically?"

Xia Qing asked with a puzzled look.

The acting was exactly the same as the real thing, and the girl immediately nervously looked for words to explain.

"I...I'm not...I didn't..."

Even if you are as smart as she is, it is difficult to prepare answers to so many questions at once, and you can only rely on improvisation.

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