"I want the same thing as Tiona...five bottles, and I also want the magic elixir."


In a clean and pure white building decorated with emblems of light balls and medicinal herbs.

Tiona and Ace were standing in front of one of the many counters to buy something. The person who greeted them was a girl with long silver hair named Amide.

She selected several bottles from a large row of various bottles on the cabinet behind her, and placed a bottle on the counter.

Various elixirs in ultramarine and citrus colors reflect the faces of Es and Tiona in the solution.

"Do you plan to go to the dungeon for long-term exploration today?"

"Well, Tione, Lefia and Riveria...and Finn and Xia Qing will all be together."

"Armid, is there anything you want? I think we will reach at least the thirtieth floor. Just tell us and we will get it for you!"

"Is that okay? Then...could you please help me pick some white leaves?"

Tiona and Ace are purchasing props at the [Dean Kate Familia] clinic.

Tione and the others also asked them to buy things. The two girls looked at the parchment note and bought many other things besides the elixir.

If you want to stay in a dungeon where supplies are difficult to supply for a long time, you must prepare more weapons, props, and supplies than are needed.

Even if you add a little extra luggage, you must be prepared for any danger. This is the rule of thumb for adventurers.

Ace and Tiona, who were close to Armed, readily agreed to her request and purchased a mountain of props.

At this time, with the creaking sound of the store door opening, a black-haired boy walked in with a little human girl.

"Hey, you two, have you finished shopping?"

Tiona immediately turned around and shouted with some joy.

"This way, this way, Xia Qing! I've already purchased it~"

Next to the somewhat lively Tiona, the girl with long golden hair also turned her head at this moment, quietly raised her slender right hand, and waved towards Xia Qing.

"By the way, Xia Qing, do you have anything to buy...?"

"Ah, I don't really need elixirs or anything like that..."

Hearing these words, Xia Qing put her chin in thought for a moment, then turned her head slightly to look at the little human girl standing obediently beside her.

"Then just give me thirty bottles of elixir."

"Wow! Do you want that many? More than ten bottles are enough, right?"

"Nip it in the bud."

Xia Qing replied with a smile.


at the same time.

"Renoir, excuse me."

"Ah, Riveria, you're here! ...Oh, the little girl is coming too."

From Northwest Street, turn into the back alley and go deep. Stepping down the stairs leading underground, opening the rotten wooden door, you entered a strange shop.

The interior is spacious and dark.

On the shelves fixed to the wall were bottles containing snakes, lizards, scorpions and other scary creatures, and the magic stone lamps hanging from the ceiling illuminated the surroundings like fireballs.

There was a big black pot at the back of the store, and something was being boiled and red steam was coming out.

Lefia seemed not used to this place yet, and looked around the store anxiously. At this time, the old woman behind the counter handed the staff to Riveria.

"Have all the magic gems been replaced?"

"Everything is ready, and all have been replaced with the highest quality stones as you requested. Really, I don't know if you went on an expedition or something, but you actually broke four magic gems..."

Even though the shopkeeper, who was wearing a black robe, had long white hair and a hooked nose, was talking nonchalantly, there was a smile on his wrinkled mouth.

Riveria took the long silver staff from her hand that had been brought for maintenance, held it with both hands, and looked down at it carefully.

The nine gems on the staff are blooming with brilliance, and they also reflect the royal beauty that even the goddess would be jealous of.

Regardless of the type of strike, magician-specific staffs cannot be purchased in general weapon stores.

Unlike hand-to-hand combat weapons such as swords, the maker of a magician's staff, which increases the "magic power" to adjust the power of "magic", must also be proficient in magic, so there are very few craftsmen who can make it.

A person who handles magic-related items is called a magician. In other words, he is a blacksmith who specializes in making magic wands.

The staff made by the magician himself uses many sacred woods or special metals and ores from the Elf Forest as raw materials to enhance the magician's ability.

Chapter 48 You are my destiny (1/4)

Among them, the colorful magic gems that do not exist in nature and can only be made by them can greatly increase the magic effect.

Whether a staff is equipped with such gems or not will make a huge difference in its performance.

Lefia's favorite staff was holding a magic gem that glowed palely in the center of the front.

This shop filled with strange items is filled with short staffs and wooden staffs that would interest a wizard.

Just as Lefia was looking around to see if there were any other valuable props, she found a book behind the counter.

"Huh?...Then, is that a magic book!?"

"Ah, you discovered it, that's right."

The shopkeeper nodded to the astonished Lefiya. That thick book with a complicated pattern on the cover can force people to learn "magic", and it is a precious book full of miracles. In this world, there are very few people left who can write this kind of book.

"Renoir, did you do it?"

"Huh? How is it possible? I'm not such a great magician. I met an acquaintance in the magic country and got a copy through old friendship."

The shop owner answered Riveria's question in a suspicious tone.

High-level magic books not only allow people to learn "Magic", but can also expand the number of columns with a certain probability.

The upper limit of magic slots is three. Although it cannot be increased, a person who originally only had one slot will have two slots.

Two people will become three, which can increase the fixed amount of magic used by each person. This is why the trading price of magic books is higher than that of first-level equipment.

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