Without fear or hesitation, Bert walked through the dark underground sewers with only weak light sources and climbed up the broad stairs that appeared in front of him.

The touch of cold water disappeared, and the two walked on the hard floor. The one-way waterway soon became clear.

"Is this...the water tank?"

Loki held the magic stone lamp high and looked around the spacious space.

The rectangular hall is lined with thick pillars like a colonnade.

Countless stone pillars juxtaposed at equal intervals supported the ceiling above.

The height is probably more than ten meters. It is not an exaggeration to call the vast space dominated by darkness a large water tank.

Judging from the structure of the city including an underground city, coupled with the drainage problem of the brackish water lake, it is possible that this place is located underground in the southwest of the city away from the central square.

Since there has been no water storage for a long time, the interior is in the state of a dry drain, with traces of water levels left on the walls and pillars.

The magic stone lamp in this large water tank is still barely on.

Loki observed his surroundings. Soon, my ears heard the sound of something being dragged along.

She was startled, and turned her eyes back to the front, only to see Bert standing with his back to her, and there was a huge object moving in the dark depths.

The object soon broke through the darkness, revealing its yellow-green skin.

Several piranha monsters appeared twisting and intertwining with their long and large bodies.

Perhaps sensing the auras of Loki and Bert, they sprang out from the depths of the hall like giant snakes, and then blossomed at the front end.

The bright and dazzling colorful petals opened to reveal an ugly mouth full of fangs. The monster raised its body and looked down at Loki and the others from the height above its head.

"Loki, don't come to the front."

Bert, who had already entered a confrontational situation, said this without looking back.

His sharp amber eyes were fixed only on the monsters. He leaned forward slightly and rushed forward while the enemies roared.

"It stinks so much, let me all die!!"

Facing a total of three yellow-green turbid currents coming from the front, Burt, who was also sprinting forward, stepped heavily on the stone floor with his left foot.

He aimed at the first frontal individual he encountered, took a step forward, and raised his slender right foot.

He used the monster's face as a ball and kicked it upwards. The long and big body made a fierce and heavy sound and leaned back sharply in the air.

Head-on attack, no fancy kicks.

Compared to the huge body of the monster, those legs were not worth mentioning at all, but Burt used only one long leg to boldly bounce back and collide with the enemy's body.

The power of the metal boot equipped on his right foot shattered one of the teeth of the backward monster.

The monster attacked from the left and right, but he easily dodged it and counterattacked when he passed by, knocking the enemies aside to prevent them from getting close to Loki behind him.

Chapter 58: Fiery Demonic Sword (3/4)

It goes without saying that he has strength, and his skills with gray fur dancing in the wind are even more swift and sharp.

Known as the number one scud in [Loki Familia], he always seizes the opportunity from his enemies.

The monster's movements were always two or three steps too slow before it could catch up with Burt and be manipulated by him.

This ferocious fighting method of tearing the enemy into pieces through swift and sharp attacks and eating them alive in the blink of an eye earned him a nickname.

【Ferocious wolf】


Burt jumped towards a monster that rolled to his right and used all his strength with his knife, slashing at the unpreparedly exposed flower stem like a guillotine, intending to end his opponent's life.


However, the killing blow from the air had no effect.

The left leg blade that was supposed to cut off the opponent's head failed to cut off the monster's skin, and only knocked off a petal with the force of the impact.

Bert couldn't help but groan. The vibrations transmitted to his feet through the boots and the hard touch of the enemy's flesh made him speechless.

The Piranha Monster shook its head after being kicked, roared as if it was furious, and began to attack.

"What are you doing, your body is so hard..."

Burt was furious, and the remaining two monsters came to join him and launched an offensive against him at the same time.

Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, I would have the same idea as Tiona. Bert thought this while dealing with the three-headed monster.

Countless tentacles stretched out from the enemy's body came from all directions. Bert made full use of the entire spacious space, sometimes dodging, and sometimes using pillars as walls to support the opponent's attack.

Utilizing his strong legs that even Ace would be impressed by her pure running ability, Burt's fierce battle with the monsters gradually came to a stalemate.

"Well, it's so fast that I can't even see clearly."

As for the entrance to the large water tank, Loki hid behind the stone pillar and watched the battle unfold.

First, he saw a gray slash that seemed to be Burt flashing past, and then the monster was bounced away. The current situation was completely beyond the scope of the goddess's understanding.

After all, gods cannot use divine power in the lower realm, and they can only use it automatically at the moment of life and death.

Ignore the battle that you don't understand, and carefully observe the long body of the piranha with his red eyes.

During the Monster Festival two days ago, we couldn't get a full picture of the monsters because their bodies were buried underground. Only then did we learn that the Piranha Monster's tail had expanded into a spherical shape, like a bulb.

Like several root hairs like the roots of a tree, the tentacles also grow from near the roots.

Is that bulb buried in the underground city to absorb nutrients?

While Loki was guessing, a shadow approached her head.

Climbing down the ceiling around the long stone pillar, a tentacle stretched out.

Loki's back trembled slightly. Then, as if to confirm her intuition, a drop of goo fell onto her shoulder.

"Ah, that's too bad."

Loki sensed that something was wrong and ran away on the spot, looking up at the same time.

Sure enough, there was a piranha monster with a big ugly mouth on it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

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