At this time, Irisviel also used her own secret technique to make the silver threads seem to come alive.

"shapeistLeben!" (O wreckage, give you life)

Through two measures of chanting, magic is woven in one breath. The manipulation of metal forms is Irisviel's true skill.

The silver threads are intertwined and drawn to form complex outlines, intertwined and combined with each other. The complex three-dimensional objects that appear like rattan handicrafts have ferocious wings, beaks, and sharp hooks, which are based on giant eagles. Exquisite silver filigree work.

jo————! ! !

The silver eagle that screamed so loudly flew from Irisviel's hand.

Chapter 61 Saber’s frustration (fourth update)

The "weapon" given life by Irisviel flew like a bullet, directly restraining Kirei's hands as he was in a parrying posture, and then surrounding his waist as well, aiming towards the nearest big bullet. The tree dragged over.

The silver thread tightly wrapped around the tree trunk, dragging Kirei continuously, and finally tied his hands and wrists firmly to the tree trunk.

It was a mature tree with a thickness of more than thirty centimeters. Even if Kirei wanted to break free, he would have to break or uproot it, which was impossible. This time, he was finally completely blocked from moving.

"Miss Maiya!"

Irisviel cast a grateful look at Cu Chulainn, who quickly nodded in greeting.

Afterwards, Irisviel hurriedly stepped forward to help Kuu Maiya, who was lying on the ground. Maiya was now having trouble even walking normally.

The bones of one arm and two legs have been broken, leaving only the left arm that can move normally.

"I'll treat you right away."

Irisviel said as she prepared to use healing magic.

"No, ma'am, stop it!"

Maiya quickly used her remaining left hand to stop Irisviel from using magic.

"You have to get out of here quickly!"

"But...if I leave, you will..."

Irisviel didn't listen to her at all and started chanting healing magic directly.

At this moment, the sound coming from the tree trunk distracted them.

Bang————! !

It was clear that Yanmine Kirei's hands were completely bound to the tree trunk, but at the position of the tree trunk where his hands were pressed, a loud noise was heard at this moment.

Although Irisviel didn't know it, the power of a boxer's fist was not just generated by the force of the wrist.

By multiplying the power of the feet on the ground, the rotation of the waist, and the twisting of the shoulders, the total amount of instantaneous explosive power of the entire body is truly concentrated in the fist.

For those who are proficient in this principle, the effects ultimately exerted by the movement of the arms can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket compared with the power emitted by the whole body.

If necessary, it is not impossible to place the fist close to the target and use the "power" of parts other than the arm to exert full striking power.

This is the stunt usually called "inch strength".

"Isn't this too ridiculous...?"

Cu Chulainn couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this scene, but even Mapo, ah! But even though Kirei can use such unique skills among humans, it is not very powerful for Cu Chulainn.

If we were to purely talk about martial arts, he was not at the same level as Kotomine Kirei, who had been honed by fighting in countless battlefields and bathing in blood.

Bang————! !

The third blow resounded all around, this time louder than before, and the tree trunks let out a final scream.

The broken fibers cracked apart due to their own weight, and the tree that served as the fulcrum of the silver thread collapsed.

At the collapsed spot, Kirei casually got rid of the ring surrounded by silver wires, grabbed the silver wires with both hands and tore them off section by section.

Irisviel felt a strong sense of powerlessness due to the feedback caused by the magic being broken, and she fell directly on top of Maiya.

After Kirei successfully broke free, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were red and he looked in the direction of Cu Chulainn and Irisviel, and he shouted in a low voice.

"You guy..."

As soon as Kirei said these cruel words, Cu Chulainn's hands shook slightly, and then the two spears dissipated directly, and the clenched fists collided at this moment, making a dull sound.

Kotomine Kirei felt angry. In fact, even if he could calm down, he knew that Lancer would never let him go.

At this time, the only thing left to do is to take a gamble.

Blue and black figures intertwined at this moment.

In the fierce battle, Kirei's fist was easily avoided by Cu Chulainn, and it was so fast that Kirei could only feel the strong wind hitting his face.

The bridge of his nose was directly broken, leaving red fist marks on Kirei's face. He quickly tried to parry, but Cu Chulainn directly opened it. He used his right hand to deflect Kirei's right fist, and raised his left hand in an instant. She clenched her fist and punched him in the stomach again.

Kirei, who was critically hit, lay back and fell. He clearly noticed the gap in combat power between him and Lancer.

And just when Cu Chulainn was about to kill him directly with one blow, he was forced back by a noble phantom covered in golden light that fell from the sky.


at the same time.

Saber is now like a lonely boat in the storm. Facing the black sword wielded by Berserker, she can only give up resistance and be attacked, unable to even make a decent counterattack.

She wouldn't even feel unwilling because of this, because her heart had fallen into despair and had no fighting spirit.

She is no longer the heroic knight king known as the incarnation of the dragon.

She was supposed to save Irisviel, and she couldn't bow her head here. She knew it very well.

However, it is impossible to win with that sword.

"Indestructible Lake Light" and "Sword of Oath to Victory" are both supreme swords obtained from elves.

The sword was dyed pitch black, and the magic power full of resentment in his body caused the sword to become a berserker's sword.

He was originally the unique "perfect knight" who was admired by everyone. He was the flower blooming on the steep peak of chivalry.

His figure and style were once what all knights yearned for.

But he gave himself up to the madness, his red eyes rolled with hatred, and he roared like a beast.

He roared, I hate you.

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