Then, Phryne showed an ugly and weird smile and said the most crucial sentence.

"Even your main god Freya is far behind compared to me!!"


The pig man with his head lowered raised his face.


Ota could not bear it any longer.


"You have defiled our noble goddess!!"

Not metaphorically, his eyes glowed red and he let out an angry roar.

Allen and the others around him also became in the same state as Ota, glaring at Phryni angrily.

"There is only one end to meet you!!"

"Death penalty, death penalty, death penalty!!"

Following Horta's roar, the chorus of death begins.

The circle formed by the fierce warriors gradually narrowed and approached the pale Phryni.

Turning a deaf ear to all the words to stop him, eight black figures stepped forward to greet him.

Suddenly, they screamed in pain one after another.



The LV.6 warriors in [Freya Familia] fell one after another.

Ota, who was in an extremely angry state, also felt a heavy blow on the back of his neck after punching Phryne in the face.


Before he could turn his head, he fainted.

Phryne, who had crashed into the wall, raised her face in confusion after noticing that there was no other movement, but her pupils suddenly shrank.

"you you----!!"

Otta, a LV.7 adventurer known as the strongest warrior, was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground like a corpse.

Phryni looked at the man in black robe who was still standing and was so frightened that she couldn't speak clearly.

"Oh~ I let you see it, can you please die?"

Xia Qing smiled and waved to Phryne, who looked like a giant toad.

After hearing this, Phryne crawled back with a look of horror on her face.

"No... don't! I don't want to die like this——"


"No, don't come here...wait!"

Ishtar stood in front of Freya with a forced smile on her face.

She was already in dire straits when she suddenly noticed a hand grabbing the edge of the stone slab at the cliff of the roof, and then a beautiful young man with brown skin poked his face out.

It's Tammuz.

His face and body were covered in blood, and his clothes were in tatters, but even though he was attacked by those who came in, he still came to the rescue when the Lord God was in danger.

Ishtar was ecstatic and she fought hard to buy time.

"Freya, why on earth, even though we had some disagreements before, we wouldn't attack my family without any scruples, right?"

Tammuz's upper body had already come out of the cliff.

When Freya heard this, her eyebrows moved suddenly. At this time, Tamuz had already fully come up.

"There is a very cute child who said that as long as I destroy the [Ishtar Familia], he will be obedient and let me pet him."


Behind the smiling Freya, Tammuz was holding his breath and quietly approaching her.

"Besides, it just so happens that my family can also have one more branch, killing two birds with one stone, right?"

Saying this, the moment Freya was about to walk out, Tamuz rushed towards her in one breath.

"Hahaha!! Are you an idiot?!!"

Ishtar sent her a sinister sneer.

Then, just when Tammuz was about to catch her, Freya turned her head as if she knew it from the beginning.

Tammuz's eyes widened when he saw the beauty of the goddess who appeared in front of him, and his movements stopped completely.

Ishtar couldn't help but freeze in place. Freya walked towards Tammuz, caressed his cheek and smiled.

Ah, ah...! "

In an instant, Tamuz's legs went weak.

The blood was rising in the cheeks, the mouth was half-open, and the eyes were in a trance.

The young attendant who was favored by Ishtar was "charmed" by Freya in the blink of an eye.

go there? "

Tammuz was confused by Freya's voice. He pulled his softened waist and left the two of them.

Ishtar couldn't help but freeze in place after seeing this scene.

She was unable to move because her man was taken away from her.

The young attendant who was fascinated by the "beauty" of the goddess and swore allegiance to her, was doted on by her both physically and mentally, and was already infatuated with her.

He has become a completely "charmed" servant of Ishtar. There should be no room for further "charm" from the outside.

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