In the large cavity covered by the wall of plant flesh, besides Yasi Fei and others, there is another mysterious group.

These people wore large robes that covered their upper bodies, and turbans and forehead protectors that completely covered their headbands and mouths.

When this group of people whose appearance and origins were hidden and whose organization was unknown saw the sudden appearance of the [Hermes Familia], they first caused a commotion, and then pointed at them and shouted warnings to each other to put them on alert.

When a sinister and murderous atmosphere filled the entire space, Luluni was alone, her eyes still fixed on the red quartz behind them.

Her dull gaze was directed towards the base of the main pillar entwined with three giant flowers.

A green sphere with a female fetus inside is attached to it.

"The...orb from that time!?"

"It's already here."

When Asfi, Luluni and others all felt shuddering.

The group of people who were hostile to them also got into a fighting stance.

A man dressed in white, waiting for an opportunity at the base of the main pillar, glared at the fifteen intruders in total. The dull white hair and bones (dropped props) fluttered outside the helmet.

This person is the tall man who talked with the red-haired woman Rui Weisi.

"What are you doing! Why did you let them invade here!?"

"Piranha plants alone are not enough to fight those invaders."

When the man in white clothes stared intently at Asfi and the others, a human ran towards him.

The color of the robe on this man was different from the others. When he was scolded by this man, the man replied in a tone of suppressed emotion.

"Do something, the remnants of the dark faction, and become the cornerstone of protecting "her"."

After glancing at the other party, the man dressed in white looked up at the main pillar.

Orb attached to the surface of red quartz, female fetus.

As if protected by the vines of the giant flower, the gloomy orb parasitic on the quartz is absorbing nutrients from the big main pillar like a monster.

In the underground city called the "mother body" of monsters, the scene is like a fetus receiving nourishment from its mother's womb.

However, this fetus is quite selfish and has no regard for the burden of the mother.

She completely ignored the faint red light emitted by the quartz that seemed to moan at any time, greedily devouring nutrients and slowly giving birth to herself.

The orb's contraction and trembling fetal movement made the man in white clothes suddenly have his eyes in a trance.

"...I will do it without you asking!"

The man in robe who witnessed the fetal movement of the orb nearby twisted his eyes and turned around to leave.

Under the gaze of the man in white clothes and the fat fetal eyeballs, the group known as the remnants of the dark faction drew their swords one by one.


"Don't let the intruders go back alive!!"

There was a roar.

The man whose robes were of a different color than the others gave an order, and all the robed people in the cave responded.

They raised their weapons and rushed towards Yasi Fei and others.

"Hey, they seem to be murderous!"

Seeing the enemy's murderous look, Luluni shouted.

The mysterious group stared at the [Hermes Familia] in front of the entrance to the large hollow passage, treating them as enemies, and rushed over with high spirits.

"Come on, we have to ask them what they are doing here..."

Yasifei felt the enemy's somewhat unusual atmosphere firsthand, and her eyes scanned the surrounding area.

In addition to the passage that Yasi Fei and others invaded, there are several passages in the large hollow.

Several large black cages were placed near these entrances and exits, and inside were coiled-up piranha monsters.

Not only that, the flesh wall of the large cavity is still giving birth to monsters intermittently.

The flower buds hanging on the wall are blooming with colorful flowers at any time, and then they slide down directly. The piranha is lying on the ground just a few seconds after its birth.

It seems that this food warehouse swallowed by giant flowers, like the dungeon, has the function of giving birth to specific monsters.

Could this green-walled maze of giant flowers be made by human hands?

And was the new species of monster, the piranha, born under such circumstances?

Observation aroused speculation, which made Yasifei feel almost trembling, and at the same time she had a bad premonition.

Asifei looked around at the unrecognizable grain warehouse and thought to herself.

‘What exactly is this great void? And where do they plan to transport the black cages containing those piranha flowers? ’

You need to ask these questions clearly.

"Kill them!!"

"Come on, everyone!"

Both camps issued orders respectively, and the war between the [Hermes Familia] and the Robe Group officially began.

In an instant, the swords collided, making the sound of gold and iron, and a fierce struggle between human races broke out.

The enemy legion, whose true identity was hidden by robes and turbans that covered their headbands and mouths, was more than double the number of the [Hermes Familia].

Chapter 93 Chaos (2/4)

Facing the enemy's forward who roared violently and came overwhelmingly, the demihuman central defenders led by Luluni stood at the forefront and engaged in fierce battles with the enemy.

The knives he swung were all knocked down by the tiger man with his large shield, and then the elves jumped out from behind him and slashed at the men in robes.

As soon as the enemy rearguard released an arrow, his own side immediately used the magic of the short chant to retaliate.

[Hermes Familia] use joint actions to make up for each other's shortcomings. More importantly, they have excellent potential abilities and can crush opponents with overwhelming numbers.

Although the enemy has skills at the level of a high-level adventurer, he still cannot bully the minority.

Yasi Fei and others deflected and deflected every fatal attack, as if they didn't take it seriously, and instead pushed back the enemy's force.

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