He stretched out one arm and pointed at the orb fetus on the big main pillar behind him.

""She" said she wanted to see the sky! "She" thought about the sky day and night!! This is "her" wish. In this case, I will sacrifice for "her" wish!!"

His voice became higher and higher, as if there were no limits.

A passionate smile appeared on his sickly pale face.

From the way he was talking without getting into any important points, we could only know one thing clearly, that is, the man was loyal to that "her" and he was obsessed with it.

"This city prevents "her" who sleeps deep underground from looking up to the sky! This city that blocks the hole must be destroyed!"

"Instead of stupid humans and incompetent gods, "she" should rule the surface!!"

"'She' is different from the gods who treat humans as entertainment, talk about respecting life without shame, and sit back and watch! 'She' gave me a second life and treated me with compassion!"

Olivas finished speaking in rapid succession, looking at Lefia and the others with ridicule and hidden hostility.

But at this moment, Xia Qing suddenly raised his head, and with one sentence, the pressure that the white-haired man Olivas had accumulated so far was blown away.

"Is the "her" you are talking about the [Earth Goddess] Gaia?"

"How could you————!?"

Olivas opened his eyes wide and looked at Xia Qing with incredible eyes.

Obviously, he tried his best and couldn't figure out why Xia Qing could guess this.

In fact, Xia Qing only guessed it by inferring Ouranos' special feelings for this underground city and Greek legends.

Chapter 99: The true identity of the underground city? (4/4)

Gaia is the god of the earth in ancient Greek mythology, the mother of the gods, and the most respected and prominent god among all gods. She was born after chaos. She is the deity of the earth and the first true creation. God is also one of the original natural forces that can create life.

Her appearance marks the beginning of chaos changing from disorder to order, and also marks the beginning of the creation of all things.

She is described in "Theogony" as follows: Conflict and chaos come from Gaia, the mother of all gods. It is this great mother goddess who gave birth to all the gods of the bright universe.

In her, we see both creation and destruction, order and chaos, and in general, darkness and chaos are her essence.

Olivas seemed to be aware of his recent gaffe, and quickly suppressed his shocked expression.

"I am relying on my own will to destroy this city! In order to realize "her" wish!"

His voice became higher and higher, as if there were no limits.

A passionate smile appeared on his sickly pale face.

From the way he was talking without making any sense, we could only know one thing clearly, that is, the man was loyal to "her" and was obsessed with it.

"This city prevents "her" who sleeps deep underground from looking up to the sky! This city that blocks the hole must be destroyed!"

"Instead of stupid humans and incompetent gods, "she" should rule the surface!!"

"'She' is different from the gods who treat humans as entertainment, talk about respecting life without shame, and sit back and watch! 'She' gave me a second life and treated me with compassion!"

Olivas finished speaking in rapid succession, looking at Lefia and the others with ridicule and hidden hostility.

"Is it true that she castrated Ouranos?"

Xia Qing asked rudely.


Olivas, who was about to shout angrily, was cut off by the sudden explosion.

Bang————! ! !

The loud shattering sound attracted the attention of everyone in the cave.

It was the red-haired woman who flew out trailing several streaks of smoke.

She smashed through the wall as if she was knocked away, and her back hit the ground hard, carving a groove along the way.

Her body, which advanced like an arrow, stopped far away from the battlefield where giant flowers were raging.


The woman groaned and threw away the red sword with a broken blade.

Her whole body was covered with scars, and she knelt down on one knee on the spot, as if to show how much strength she had consumed.

"haha a……!?"

Then the girl with blond hair and golden eyes appeared from the shattered wall of the woman, Ace.

She was also covered in lacerations all over her body, her shoulders were rising and falling violently, and she was panting.


"Miss Ace!"

Olivas and Lefiya shouted at the same time.

Ais, who stepped into the large hollow with her snow-silver saber in hand, showed a surprised expression when she saw the surrounding scene and the appearance of Lefia and others, but she immediately nodded to everyone, as if to say she was fine.

The reunion, which had not been seen for a long time in terms of time, and the appearance of Ais being safe and sound, made Lefiya's eyes wet reflexively.

Asifei, Luluni, the others, and Bert, who continued to fight, also smiled.

Lefia hurriedly wiped the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand and carefully observed the situation of Ais and the others.

There was no mistaking it. The red-haired woman named Revis was the attacker who plunged the town of Rivera into chaos.

The two were probably fighting fiercely, and then Aisi hit Revis with a full blow, causing her to lose the force of the impact. Her body broke through the wall and was driven into the large hole.

Both of them were covered in wounds, their armors and combat uniforms were severely damaged, and large beads of sweat were dripping from them.

Even though both sides were exhausted, Ais seemed to have the upper hand. This may have something to do with the performance of the weapons.

Aisi did not dare to be careless and stared intently at Revis who had lost her red sword and was kneeling on one knee.

"...You only talk big words, Revis, it's really ugly."

Olivas, like Lefiya, observed Ais and the others, and laughed at the female companions.

Hearing his voice, Revis's green eyes only glanced in his direction.

Ais also looked towards Olivas, the smile on his face causing wrinkles on his brows.

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