

ps: I can’t buy masks. There are a lot of fake ones I can buy online now and they are extremely expensive.

Only code words can comfort myself.

Chapter 101: It is impossible for me to die if I am invincible (2/4)

No amount of power the man received could hurt her in the slightest.

When the yellow-green eyes trembled and widened, thunder and lightning roared from other directions, and the second giant flower was destroyed.

Olivas, who lost all the cards in his hand in the blink of an eye, could no longer maintain his mental composure.

"Impossible! How could I lose, how could I be defeated? This is impossible!?"

The man kicked his feet on the ground and rushed straight towards Ais.

An attack aimed at a blind spot.

He squeezed out the strange power from the magic stone that surpassed human intelligence from all over his body, trying to strangle the girl's jade neck.

However, he had just fought with Bert and his vitality was severely damaged. His skills were too slow for the current Ais.

The golden eyes shot through Olivas, who was charging towards him with his teeth and claws.

In an instant, the silver sword flashed and struck with great speed.

Countless swords and sword shadows carved scars on Olivas' body.

He sprayed blood all over his body, and it was incredible that all parts of his body were still connected.

The yellow-green lower body and the upper body of the human race were chopped to pieces. Olivas looked up to the sky and fell down.

"This is a lie... I am beyond the limits of species, I was chosen by "her", how could I...!?"

Olivas, completely defeated, groaned involuntarily.

The figure of [Sword Princess] looking down at her in front of her was swaying in fearful and trembling eyes.

"What a farce."

Just when Ais was about to reach the man who could no longer fight.

Like a sudden strong wind, Revis quickly rescued Olivas from the side.

Ais immediately jumped back, and Revis grabbed his clothes in front of Ais' eyes and retreated to a distance away.

Revis stopped near the main quartz pillar and threw Olivas' body to the ground unceremoniously.

There was no trace of the monster in the big hole. Needless to say, Ais, Lefiya, Bert and others also focused their attention on the two remaining enemies.

"H-Sorry, Revis..."

Olivas, who was kneeling on the ground, was breathing rapidly and was out of breath.

He ignored the gurgling blood and tried desperately to adjust his breathing.

Hearing him force his voice to say this, Revis didn't say anything.

Around the two of them, Bert and others formed a huge semicircle, which could be said to have forced the two of them into a desperate situation.

The red-haired woman's gaze swept across the crowd. The eerie cold light of the main pillar illuminated her figure, and half of her face was covered in gray shadows.

Her green eyes immediately looked down at the man at her feet.

Revis held out her hand expressionlessly.

She grabbed Olivas by the collar of his clothes and lifted him up with one hand, as if to help him stand up.

Then, the next moment.

She made a hand knife and stabbed Olivas in the chest.


Aisi and others were all speechless.

The hand knife was buried in the stabbed chest.

Blood gushes out with the clear and distinct heartbeat.

Revis kept her expression unchanged and pushed her hand deeper.

The expression on Olivas's face seemed to be more out of touch with the situation than anyone else at the scene.

"Rui, Revis, what are you...!?"

"Take a good look around with your eyes."

A group of people, including Xia Qing, were approaching her.

Bearing the gazes of the adventurers who were standing still, the woman shook her blood-red hair.

"I need more power, that's all."

Revis told him calmly and coldly.

"No matter how much piranha you eat, you can't replenish much flesh and blood."

Just hearing these words, Olivas seemed to have understood what the woman in front of him wanted to do.

He froze in place.

"No way, stop!? Just like you, I am the one chosen by "her"..."

"Choose...? Do you think that is a goddess or something?"

"How could that be a noble existence?"

Revis snorted through her nose, as if she was bored.

"I am just a pawn."

Hearing Revis's assertion, Olivas's expression changed rapidly.

His eyes were wide open, his face lost all hope, and he tightly held her thin arm that pierced his chest with both hands.

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