The boss handed the sword to Raphtalia and hung the leather breastplate on her clothes.

At the same time, Raphtalia's stomach made an alarming growling sound again.

"Are you hungry again? Your food intake is increasing so fast..."

The boss also spoke up at this time.

"This child is a demi-human, right? She is still young and will react like this once her level rises."

Xia Qing nodded, and then took out the food wrapped in paper.

"Fortunately, I bought a little more before. You can eat this first."

"Then Master Xia Qing won't eat it?"

“When I’m hungry, I’ll buy it naturally.”

Xia Qing replied.

Raphtalia, who felt relieved after hearing this, took the food, opened the wrapping paper, and ate it with big mouthfuls, looking like she was devouring it.

The boss, who was watching the interaction between Xia Qing and the girl, burst out laughing for some reason.

"It's really interesting. You totally raised her as your daughter!"


Xia Qing pouted.

"I'm a sister, sister! And I'm only eighteen years old this year, so I'm not that old yet."

The boss looked at Xia Qing's face carefully and finally said in a serious tone.

"Indeed... he looks like a teenager... but when I talk to you, I always feel like I'm dealing with an old man."


The noisy atmosphere didn't last long, and after Raphtalia was equipped with new weapons and armor, she settled the bill.

Before leaving, the boss took out a white stone and called it to Xia Qing.

"What the hell is this?"

"Whetstone, the weapons sold to you this time are not coated. If they are not maintained regularly, they will break down in the blink of an eye."

"That's it."

A sharpening stone is a great thing.

Xia Qing slowly grabbed the whetstone and found that the shield reacted.

So he immediately let the shield absorb the whetstone.

"Ah, hello!?"

Amid the boss's voice of confusion, Xia Qing heard the beep for the new shield mode to be activated.

〖The "Whetstone Shield" condition is released. 〗

The defensive power is only slightly higher than the egg shield. The rabbit skin shield made by throwing the whole rabbit skin body to the shield to absorb it is actually higher.

【Whetstone Shield】

Equipment bonus effect: Mineral identification +1

Special effect: automatic grinding (8 hours)

Effect consumption: big

Chapter 18 Going to the Mine

The explanation in the shield system is that the so-called special effects refer to effects that can only be exerted when the weapon is equipped.

Unlike the additional abilities obtained through liberation conditions, this is an effect that cannot be learned, so please transform into this weapon when necessary.

After Xia Qing changed her shield form, the boss looked a little surprised.

"Huh!? What's going on?"

The area of ​​the whetstone shield is larger than that of the small shield. It is a large white stone shield.

It's just that there are several grooves on the surface of the shield. Some are small, some are thick, and some are so thin that they can only accommodate the grooves of paper.

"Hey, little brother! Listen to me!"

"Auto-grinding" is a very good skill at first glance. It can play a considerable role before there is a type of weapon that is not broken.


"Huh? What?"

Xia Qing asked.

"What the hell is going on with that shield!"

"Have you not seen it before? It's the Legendary Shield."

"I've neither heard of it nor seen it, okay! Why did it become a whetstone?"

"Isn't it because I let it absorb the whetstone!"


The weapons store owner showed a dumbfounded expression.

"I've heard that legendary weapons have incredible power. So this is what it's all about?"

"Haven't you heard other heroes mention it?"

Xia Qing asked with narrowed eyes.

"I haven't seen anyone for a while. Besides, little brother, you are also the first person to practice weapon transformation in front of me."

The boss touched his shiny bald head angrily.

"That's right, by the way, I have something to ask you."

Before leaving, Xia Qing suddenly turned around and spoke.

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