"Wow, thank you! You are such a good person!"

Philo took the delicious dried meat and ate it.

Seeing Philo eating the dried meat, Mel smiled happily.

Then, she began to gently stroke Philo's feathers.

"You are really easy to fool."

Xia Qing said.

"There happens to be a village nearby. Philo and Sakura, you two can play here for a while."

Philo and Sakura immediately cheered when they heard this.

"Really? Thank you Master!"

After the explanation, Xia Qing took Raphtalia to the village.

It was just before noon when we arrived at the village. Philo came back after Xia Qing and Raphtalia had lunch, followed by the girl with twin tails in a blue luxurious dress.

"I'm so sorry...Um...for now, can you let me go with you?"


Hearing this, Mel replied with some embarrassment.

"Um... I was brought here by Philo Emu-san. I have no idea where this place is... but the destination is clear. The guards also separated a long time ago..."

The girl lowered her head slightly.

"Please call me Mel. I heard Philo-chan say that the owner of the carriage...is that Sir Natsu Sei? Tomorrow we are going to the castle town of Melomag, so no matter what, can you please take me with you?"

Unexpectedly, this girl was still lost as usual.

Xia Qing thought so.

"You can follow us, but you have to tell me about your mother."

"Eh!? How did you——"

Mel's eyes widened immediately.

"Is there anything surprising?"

Xia Qing raised his right hand and took out the shield from the space ring. As soon as the shield left the space, it immediately disappeared and attached to Xia Qing's arm.

"You are... the Shield Hero!?"

Mel's face immediately showed a look of surprise.

"It's not good for you to be so happy now. If your father dares to use conspiracy and tricks against me this time back to Melomag, I won't let him go easily."


The girl frowned. On the one hand, her mother wanted her to have a good relationship with the Shield Hero, but on the other hand, her father was constantly causing trouble but treating her well. It could be said that she was now in a dilemma.

However, it was impossible for Xia Qing to give in, so let her worry slowly.


Night time.

The bonfire crackled and burned.

We can arrive at Melomag tomorrow.

As for why there is no need to teleport, just look at the food and the number of people in this carriage.

Only those who are included in the team can be teleported, which Mel is not, and the carriage cannot teleport together.

"Ahahahahaha, Philo-chan~Sakura~"

"Wait~! I caught it~!"

Philo and Sakura, who had transformed into humans, were chasing each other around the campsite with Mel in high spirits.

Judging from the fact that they became friends as soon as they met, maybe it doesn't matter to Mel that Philo is a monster.

Whether it is Mel or the ruler of Merromager, Queen Mirelia, they both like Philo Pelican very much.

"It's so noisy, you guys."

Xia Qing spoke directly, showing no emotion at all.

"Master Xia Qing, it's good, isn't it? Philo and Sakura also have someone to play with."

Raphtalia said with a smile.

"That's true."

"Mel-chan, let me show you Philo's treasure!"


With that said, Philo took out a bag from the carriage that he didn't know when he had put it in, opened it and showed it to Mel.

What kind of treasure will Philo secretly hide?

Xia Qing was a little curious.

"Master, do you want to see it too?"

"I do not want."

Even though Xia Qing answered like this, Philo still opened the bag and showed it to him.

Iron pieces from broken swords, gems, empty bottles, and marble fragments obtained in the World Shield.

"Sparkle and shine beautifully!"

Mel nodded with a subtle expression. When she saw the gem with the shield printed on it, she showed some confusion, but quickly concealed it.

Most of what Philo collected were reflective things. I had heard that birds were interested in collecting luminous objects, but I didn't expect that such a thing would happen around me. It was really a wonderful experience.

"Huh? What is this?"

Mel pulled out a strange object mixed in the bag.

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