The noble man who heard this was stunned for several seconds before speaking with a forced smile.

"What an interesting metaphor."

Then, he looked at Xia Qing again.

"If I can help, I will try my best to help within my ability, but to say position is a bit dangerous. I don't know how much I can help."

"There's no need at all. You can't help much anyway."

Xia Qing answered without looking up while holding a fork and fighting with the steak on the plate.

" that so..."

"If you feel that there is nothing you can do to hurt people, considering the current situation of "Melomag", those guys from the Sanyong Sect must be too busy with internal fighting and original operational matters. How can they distract themselves? Send troops here to die.”

Even if he occupies a kingdom and sits on the throne, the responsibilities that come with it are not something that a guy who is addicted to wealth and wealth can bear.

If you think about it this way, the previous kings might have been more powerful than the popes.

Sure enough, you can’t tell without comparison.

"Speaking of which, what was Melty like in the past?"

Philo, who had finished all the food in front of him, leaving only a pile of plates, asked with an interested look.

"Yeah! Don't say it!"

Melty was so excited that she slammed the table as if her shameful past was about to be revealed.

"Well, I always use an honorific tone and force myself to behave calmly.

The Queen is also a little worried about this, but it is obviously because of the Shield Hero. The Princess has been affected and has grown in a good direction. I feel endless joy. "

"A good direction?? There is nothing like a good person in what this guy does!!!"

Melty was immediately filled with anger.

"Where's the tone of honorific~"

Philo suddenly smiled.

"It was like that when we first met. Why is it like this now?"

"Isn't it because of Lord Xia Qing?"

"Ha!? It's not because of this guy!!"

Melty blushed and retorted loudly.

Then a series of unexplained words came out of his mouth, such as "I have always been elegant," "It's not because of this guy," "I was just impatient," "Because I have to listen to my mother," which made everyone laugh.

"It seems that everyone has almost eaten. Please go to the guest room to rest. The leisure time in the afternoon passes very quickly. I will collect as much information as possible before tomorrow morning."


Afterwards, everyone was led by several maids to the guest room.

"Master Xia Qing, do you want to rest?"

"No, how can such a pleasant afternoon tea time be wasted carelessly."

Raphtalia smiled.

"Then let's go to the balcony. There happen to be lounge chairs and a small round table over there."

"The observation is quite detailed."

Xia Qing praised.

There are such leisure facilities on the balcony on the third floor of the mansion. It seems that the life of the nobles is also so boring and boring.

A short period of leisure will make people feel comfortable, but day after day leisure will only bring restlessness that makes people feel that their life is disappearing day by day.

"The same goes for Philo, who wants to explore this home with Mel-chan and Sakura!"

Philo also ran away from topics that had nothing to do with the conversation so far.

"Yeah, that's right. In order to change my mood, please go and ask me. Raphtalia-sama, Philo-chan and I will take a walk in the mansion~"

"It's an adventure~"

Philo asked for correction, but Melty just smiled softly and took Philo's hand and walked out of the room.

Xia Qing pointed to the stairs to the third floor.

"Let's go, Raphtalia."

He glanced at Philo, Mel-chan and the others who were walking down the stairs, then turned around and replied with a smile.

"Well, here we come."

Chapter 64: Strange knowledge increases

Not long after walking downstairs, Melty started chatting quietly with Philo and Sakura.


"What's wrong~? Mel-chan?"

Melty whispered quietly.

"As for me... I've been told before that when talking to others, I always pay special attention to using honorifics."

As she spoke, the girl's voice became choked.

"But... I don't know why, but it has become more and more difficult to do it recently, and I have even become more irritable."

"Ah, this is that!"

Sakura said with bright eyes.

"All human girls have it, right? That thing called the aunt that comes back every month. It is said that during that period of time, girls' emotions will become uncontrollable."

"Huh? What's that?"

Melty, who was still young, didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

"Eh? Don't Mel-chan know this? Although there is no such thing as our Philo bird, the master always knows all these strange things."

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