Xia Qing asked.

Although it was a question, Xia Qing already knew what the girl would answer.

"Well, I want to save them!"

Raphtalia also had a painful experience before, so now that she sees her compatriots suffering such a disaster, it is normal for her to want to help.

"Okay, let's go."

"Lord Xia Qing..."

Raphtalia, who was following Xia Qing, showed a gentle smile, and her eyes sparkled when she looked at the back of the person walking in front.

Although the door leading to the basement was locked, this ordinary lock was naturally useless in front of Xia Qing.

After opening the door, an unpleasant stench hit us.

I had smelled this awe-inspiring smell of death in the slave traders' tents before.

"This feeling... is really disgusting..."

Raphtalia crossed her shoulders and said.

"The nobles here seem to be interested in imprisoning and torturing demihuman slaves in the dungeon."

"There are many nobles like this in this kingdom that looks down on demihumans."

Xia Qing said.

"I'm afraid... the tragedy we are seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg of human nature."

There were all kinds of torture instruments in the dark basement, and skeletal corpses were scattered on the floor. The indescribable smell permeating the thin air could make any ordinary person vomit on the spot.

At this time, Raphtalia walked to the skeletal corpse in the corner of the room and put her hands together to pay tribute.


"This child is... the girl I used to play with in the village, her name is Rifana, that..."

Raphtalia looked at the white bones with a sad face and lowered her head slightly.

Chapter 66: Let me see your baby~

"Leifana-chan is obviously such a lively and cheerful child... I have always loved folklore."

Raphtalia murmured sadly.

"I always feel that she is more like a girl than me, a kind-hearted child... My dream is to marry someone like the Shield Hero..."

However, before that dream could come true, he passed away alone in this cold dungeon.

Raphtalia's heart was flooded with thoughts.

"Speaking of which... you have only been separated for less than half a year..."

Xia Qing asked suddenly.


Raphtalia was unprepared for the sudden inquiry, and her expression was a little dull.

"It's true that it's not yet..."

Hearing this, Xia Qing nodded and looked at the white bones on the ground.

"Generally speaking, the time it takes for a corpse to turn into bones is related to the environment it is in. If the corpse is exposed in an outdoor environment at normal temperature, maggots and bacteria will multiply in large numbers, and it only takes about 14 days to turn into bones.

If the corpse is stored in an extremely cold place, such as the mountaineering victims who climbed Mount Everest, the progress of corpse decomposition will be slow or even stop due to the low temperature and heavy humidity. And those corpses sealed in coffins and buried in the ground will also be isolated from outside oxygen and maggots. Slowing down the rate of corruption, it usually takes two or three years for it to turn into bones. "

"What are you talking about?"

Regarding what Xia Qing said, the girl felt like her head would explode due to the amount of information.

"What I mean is that this skeleton may not be Leifana."

"Really, really!?"

As soon as she heard these words, Raphtalia opened her eyes wide with a look of joy in her eyes.

"Yes, but we can only find out where it will be later."

Xia Qing replied.

Raphtalia nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Well...that's great..."

At this time, she suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, that's right! There should be another person here!"

As she spoke, Raphtalia quickly ran towards the depths of the dungeon.

After reaching the end, I finally found a demihuman slave still alive inside the rusty iron door cell.

His body was covered in scars and it looked like he had been tortured quite cruelly.

His eyes seemed colorless as if they were dead.

The slave has a pair of dog ears, fair skin and a very cute face. He looks like a man about ten years old...

Xia Qing observed it carefully and couldn't help but "tsk".

Although he looked like a boy in his clothes, after careful observation, Xia Qing noticed something different.

There is no doubt that this person is just dressed like a boy, but her body is still that of a girl.

"Brother...who are you?"

"This voice..."

Raphtalia covered her mouth in surprise.

"elder sister?"

"Who are you……"

Looking at the child with dog ears, Raphtalia's eyes lit up and she couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

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