Chapter 80: Fried Melty

After returning all the way to "Mellomag", the Queen assigned a room to Xia Qing. The audience hall that was blown up by Xia Qing was already under repair, but it would have to wait until the next time it would be put into use again. moon.

Raphtalia and Philo were also assigned rooms, but because they had been staying with Xia Qing all this time, not to mention that it was hard for the others to believe it, they all ran to Xia Qing's room.

Not long after, a servant came knocking on the door.

"Lord Shield Hero, the queen asked me to call you to the palace."


Xia Qing agreed casually, and then asked Raphtalia, Philo and the others to make some preparations.

"Do you want to bring weapons?"

Raphtalia weighed the scarlet thin sword she had been carrying and asked Xia Qing.

"Take it with you. It's a good habit to always be vigilant."

Xia Qing replied with a smile.

"Well, I understand."

Raphtalia nodded.

"Hey... Philo needs to be armed too!"

"Huh? Philo, why do you need any other weapons?"

Raphtalia was confused by Philo's words.

"Who said Philo can't take it with him? have to take this!"

As he spoke, Philo picked up the unopened bottle of red wine on the small round table in front of the window.

"Whoever dares to speak ill of the master will have their heads blown off by Philo!"

Xia Qing, who found it interesting, burst out laughing.

—————————————————————————————————————————————— ——

As soon as they arrived in the main hall, they saw Kitamura Motoyasu and others. After the last battle, they had some scars on their faces and various parts of their bodies, and the more seriously injured parts were also wrapped with bandages.

Although the news of the Pope's death has not yet fully penetrated the streets of the castle town, the Sanyong Church itself is still active, but appears to be on lockdown.

All relevant personnel were arrested, and news of being escorted frequently spread.

"Master Shield Hero, do you want to sit up there?"

The queen who walked into the hall looked at Xia Qing and stretched out her hand towards Xia Qing towards the throne at the top.

The good intentions were obvious.

Xia Qing chuckled and shook his head, then walked to the seat next to the throne.

"I'll just stand here."

After hearing these words, the queen finally sat on the throne.

"Then, allow me to introduce you again. I am the Queen of "Mellomag", Mirelia Q. Melomag. My husband, Otto Clay, is just the acting king. Before, I am truly sorry for any offense I caused to you and the Shield Hero."

Although the Queen was a little sad about Otto Clay being solved by Xia Qing, it was not Xia Qing's fault after all. She had always remained rational and did not blame Xia Qing.


"Hello...please take care of me..."

"I always awesome..."

The three brave men each expressed their thoughts. They were surprised that the real ruler of "Melomag" was actually the queen.

Then, she gave orders to the knights of the guard.

"Bring Maddie here."

The queen sitting on the throne gave orders to the knights of the guard below.

It didn't take long for Maddie to be brought up.

"Mom, I'm not wrong! It's not good for everything to be a shield!"

Maddie cried loudly with her hands tied behind her back.

"Your tears have been fake since you were a child, and you continue to pretend to be pitiful here."

The Queen stared at Maddie's tearful face and said without mercy.


Maddie was speechless and choked as her mother could easily see through her state of mind. Finally, Maddie rolled her eyes.

"It's all...all because the shield and the shield hero covet my beauty and body..."


Even Xia Qing raised an eyebrow at this magical brain circuit.

"Haha, do you really think that I don't know this? You are really stupid. Besides, if you really have an affair with Mr. Xia Qing, who is the Shield Hero, there is still hope..."

As she said that, the Queen stole a glance in Xia Qing's direction.

"There is no hope, just wait to die."

Xia Qing replied.

"Sure enough, if you are not talking about it, you should look forward to Melty. After all, we have spent some time together, so this kind of thing is still very possible."

Melty's cheeks immediately turned red when she heard this.

"Mother, what are you talking about!? I'm still a child!"

"No, Melty, you are old enough to marry Lord Xia Qing, who is the Shield Hero."

"What is this all about?"

"You really don't understand? In order to trample the old enemy who has been fighting for many years under your feet, there is no better opportunity than this, right?"

The Queen held her cheek with her left hand and said very seriously.

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