"I'm sorry for causing you any trouble..."

"What are you talking about? Raphtalia's business is my business... Then, it's almost time to go."

"Yes!...I'm leaving, dad, mom!"

Raphtalia waved to the grave and got into the carriage.

"Let's go."

—————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————

The brave men gathered in the port town to board the ship.

Of course, the time for the ship to sail had already been decided, and in the end everyone boarded the ship together.

The voyage seemed to take some time, and people waiting to board the ship were queuing up on the breakwater.

The people at the front were looking around idly.

"Lalku, please calm down a little!"

"I know, but the thought of traveling by boat makes me feel excited!"

The person who said this was a sturdy man with a hedgehog head, dressed in adventurer's clothing, with a dangerous-looking scythe on his waist.

He seemed to be over twenty years old, and the person behind him was a woman with delicate and fair skin like a doll, with long blue-green hair shining in the bright sunshine.

Her hairstyle is a three-strand braid that seems to be draped on her shoulders at all times. Her gentle eyes give people a maternal feeling.

Moreover, he wore bracelets inlaid with precious stones on both wrists, and a forehead protector around his forehead.

The gems enhance her beauty, and her beauty adds to the brilliance of the gems, giving her an incredible aura.

Chapter 88 Taking a boat

"Hey, little brother, are you here to take the boat too?"

The sturdy man with a hedgehog head said hello after seeing Xia Qing.

"When you called me that, did you ever think that I might be older than you?"

Xia Qing replied with a smile, acting very friendly.

Almost like a nice guy passing by.

Tilis commented on Xia Qing's first impression in her heart.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just subconsciously yelled like that when I saw someone younger than me. I hope you don't mind."

"Look, because Larku is not calm, isn't this causing trouble for the people behind him?"

The beautiful woman standing behind Larku began to lecture him.

Soon, as the crowd moved forward, it was Xia Qing's turn to board the ship.

Motoyasu Kitamura, Ren Amaki, and Itsuki Kawasumi ran onto the deck at some point. Judging from their appearance, they must have taken advantage of their status as heroes to jump in line.


Philo, who was supposed to be waiting where the carriage was being moved in, ran over.

Because the queen was the intermediary, the carriage was specifically allowed to be brought to the ship.

Although Xia Qing can stuff the carriage into the ring even without such permission, but since he has such a privilege, why not use it?

"Let's go to the guest room first."

Special guest rooms should have been prepared for the brave men, but for some reason, only ordinary rooms were left.

"I'm really sorry!"

The crew and cabin stewards faced Xia Qing and directly showed their condolences to apologize. After all, there was an order from the Queen. If the Shield Hero was displeased, his head and body would be separated forever.

"From the dedicated rooms for the brave men to the temporarily vacant captain's cabin, they are all occupied by the brave men who boarded the ship first. They don't listen no matter what they say. The cabins are now full..."

"That's it."

Xia Qing nodded after understanding the situation.

"It doesn't matter if I stay in an ordinary room. However, you can tell those brave men later that they can switch to ordinary cabins at will and negotiate with them directly in my name. They will agree."


After hesitating for less than a second, the crew members immediately agreed.


After sending the crew away, Xia Qing locked a guest room and walked there.

It is said that during this period, adventurers or soldiers of the country, even generals who want to increase their LV will be restricted from entering the island.

There are also people who sneak in secretly, but trying to cross the complicated currents in a small boat is a narrow escape.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After Xia Qing knocked on the door, the ordinary cabin door opened.

"Ah... isn't this the little brother from just now...!"

"I told you not to call me that..."

Xia Qing said helplessly.

"Ahaha, sorry, sorry..."

Rakul quickly clasped his hands together and apologized in a serious manner.

"Well~ I happened to be assigned to the same room as you, what a coincidence~"

Xia Qing opened his mouth and said with a smile on his face.

"Oh oh oh! That's right, we are traveling companions in the same room, let's get along well! Come on, don't stand in the narrow corridor, come in quickly."

Rakul showed a hearty smile and greeted Xia Qing to the guest room.

This sincere attitude made Xia Qing feel that he couldn't bear to lie to them.

Although he came from another dimensional world, he could not be considered an enemy to Xia Qing at all.

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