Strange objects were discovered along the way.

A penguin wearing a Santa hat, a rabbit, a squirrel, and a dog, the four animals together form a totem pole-like carved decoration.

Each of them holds different objects in their hands. The penguin's is a fishing rod, the rabbit's is a hoe, the squirrel's is a saw, and the dog's is a rope.

"This is?"

"Haha, the brave man has good eyesight. These are the legendary aborigines who opened up this island. They are Keisuke, Usagi, Matsuoka, and Inuji."

Both are Japanese names.

"By the way, the origin of the name is that the four holy warriors in the past personally named it after the animal that sounded the closest to it based on the standards of their world."

"So, do these monsters still live on this island?"


The count denied.

"After colonization, they set off for the New World, and no one has seen them since."

In short, it is extinct, and it is doubtful whether it actually exists.

"Hey~...Is there something delicious? Philo can smell the food!"

Philo was drooling and his eyes were shining.

If you think about it carefully, there are even monsters that take great pleasure in pulling carriages, so it's not unbelievable that there are monsters that colonize the island.

At this time, Xia Qing noticed a stone tablet standing next to an object.

"What is that?"

"The inscription left by the four holy warriors."


It has long been clear where the four holy warriors from the past came from.

"Legend has it that the words on this inscription are records prepared for when new heroes appear..."

The count explained seriously.

After reading the inscription, Kitamura Motoyasu said these words in a solemn tone.

"What the hell is this?"

Tian Mu Lian and others also quickly turned to look.

"Are you kidding us? This text seems like an atavism..."

"It's not magic words, is it?"

This is not a text that can be learned by someone.

The appearance of the text will change depending on who is reading it. This is the magic word.

For example, a magic book written in this kind of writing for learning illusions. People who are good at illusions can read it with no problem and can learn the magic recorded in the book, but people without this aptitude cannot interpret it. , forced translation will only result in some illogical words and sentences.

Although there are magic words in Common Language, as we just practiced, it cannot be deciphered without adaptability.

Of course, it can also be read using magic. But since the text itself is the text of this world, you still can’t read it if you don’t know it.

Xia Qing also leaned over and took a look.

"The source of power is enough... The Shield Hero orders here, the ancient inheritance is now analyzed, and all those who support it... "Intermediate Spiritual Energy"..."

Chapter 91 Wuhu~Take off!

This is a magic that can be cast on anyone. Xia Qing designated the target of the magic as Philo.

Then, after pointing his finger at Philo, a transparent magic film appeared around Philo, who looked dull.

"Wow! Philo feels full of power now!"

Philo jumped up and down several times, obviously still maintaining his human form, but his jumping height was much higher than before.

If you check the ability values ​​again, you can find that the ability values ​​of all attributes of Philo have been improved after receiving that magic.

"Aura...the magic used by brave men in the past to increase all attributes and abilities."

Xia Qing put her chin on it and speculated.

Suddenly, he felt that one of the companions brought by the other heroes standing behind was looking at him.

But that feeling only lasted for a moment and then disappeared immediately.

"You look so awesome! Let's learn too!"

In order to learn the ancient magic, Kawasumi Shu and others immediately rushed to read the inscription.


"Damn it... I still can't read it..."

"Is that because you all use magic to understand language?"

The three people who had always used crystal balls to easily learn magic had not studied systematically, so they were unable to translate the words on the stone tablet.

By the way, the so-called crystal ball is something that allows people to directly learn a kind of magic by touching it.

This is the drawback of opportunism.

"Um, Xia Qing..."

Kawasumi put on a serious expression.


Xia Qing turned her face to look at him.

"Where did you get the shield that can understand magic words?"

"Learn on your own, idiot!"


The serious expression on Kawasumi's face was sunken by Xia Qing's gently swinging fist. A few seconds later, the figure in green clothing shuttled between the sparse trees on the island.

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