Xia Qing said.

The activation reaction of the [Carmilla Islands] has caused monsters to appear continuously on each island, in increasing numbers, and has even affected the lives and safety of the indigenous people.

This is also the reason why the incident was able to burn all the way to the "Mellomag" like a fire starting a prairie fire within a few days of it happening.

"I see... Then you're welcome to come."

"If someone is fighting, don't interfere."

"I see!"

Raphtalia nodded seriously.

Then he rushed towards the monsters that were lingering.


More and more monsters were chopped down by Raphtalia's sword. Philo and Sakura also joined the battle. With their current combat power, they were able to easily eliminate these low-level monsters on the outside.

However, the deeper you go in, you will find that some monsters are not hopelessly stupid. If they are simple monsters like the Balloon Monster, they will bite them back regardless of the cost.

The monsters with more or less brains realized that they were no match for Raphtalia and Philo, so they directly shifted their target to Xia Qing, who was following behind as a spectator.

In this way, a group of pitiful monsters, under Raphtalia's sympathetic gaze, turned into a pile of dust, scattered down, and became one with the land.

"Lord Xia Qing, I feel that our opponents are too weak. How about we go deeper?"


It is much more efficient to find more powerful monsters than to waste time here with low-level monsters with little experience value.

Although Xia Qing could use a wide range of magic to wipe out all the monsters here, the experience points that Raphtalia and the others would be able to share would be too little.

In a team, most of the experience points are gained by the person who kills the monsters, while the remaining members can only share the remaining experience points equally.

While advancing towards the interior of the island, Xia Qing discovered an interesting point. As long as he switched the shield to a type with lower defense, the monsters would attack him first, and vice versa.

In this case, as long as you switch to the most advanced shield at present, you can divert the eyes of those eager monsters elsewhere.

As they continued to advance, they had basically reached the center of the island. The monsters encountered along the way were eliminated by Raphtalia and Filo.

Just when this team was overwhelmingly in the midst of the monsters, Raphtalia, who was waving a red rapier in front, suddenly said "Eh".

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that she was a little dull, Xia Qing asked immediately.

"The experience points have become less... Sir Xia Qing, has your experience value changed?"

Raphtalia said with a confused look on her face.


Xia Qing immediately turned his attention to the personal panel. The experience value displayed on it was completely the same as before Raphtalia killed the monster here.

In other words, since more than ten minutes ago, the shield has not gained any experience.

Of course, the levels of Xia Qing's two professions are still constantly improving. This is the reason why he is not bound by the rules of this world.

"How is this going?"

Even Xia Qing was a little puzzled by this magical phenomenon, but the next moment, a voice broke Xia Qing's inner doubts.

"Hey! Why are you robbing the monsters we defeated! You don't want to fucking live——"

Several adventurers with unfamiliar faces were furious at the brave men who had taken away their monsters.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Xia Qing knew who this familiar voice was without even looking.

Tianmu Lian, who seemed to have easily killed those monsters with very handsome and gorgeous moves, snatched away the prey of the adventurers with unfamiliar faces as if no one was watching.

However, when he noticed that he did not have any experience points recorded, he was equally confused.

When Tian Mu Lian was looking around, he discovered Xia Qing.

"I see... I asked why I didn't get any experience points..."

"The reaction between the heroes' weapons...?"

"Well, it seems like this..."

Tianmu Lian was hesitant to say anything. If it were other adventurers, he could unceremoniously drive the opponents who hindered him from gaining more experience to other islands as a brave man.

But only the person in front of him couldn't do it, or... he didn't have the confidence to escape successfully after he said the words to drive people away.

"The earl here seems to have said that you are not allowed to snatch half-killed monsters from other adventurers. It seems that you have completely failed to follow this etiquette."

Xia Qing said.

It's not a rule, it's etiquette. As a hero, it's not impossible to break these rules, but it will arouse the disgust of the adventurers. The disgust of a few adventurers may not matter, but if it triggers a chain reaction, there will be more and more people. The more people know about this, the more likely it will become unstoppable.

And at that time, once the intensity of the disaster wave suddenly increases to a level that the braves cannot cope with, the adventurers will also choose to sit on the sidelines because their relationship with the braves has deteriorated.

Of course, Tianmu Lian didn't think so deeply at all. His current silence was just due to fear.

Therefore, Tianmu Lian chose————

"Forget it, in that case, I'll leave the hunting ground here to you."

Saying this, Tianmu Lian, whose legs were slightly weak, turned around and walked towards the other islands.

"Damn! It's so disgusting!"

Seeing that the brave man was not aggressive, the adventurers had no choice but to curse and go hunting for other monsters.

Xia Qing also led his team to harvest a wave of monsters on the island.

Time soon came to dusk, and the day's fighting was over. Even Philo felt a little hungry, yes, that's right, he was hungry.

When returning to the port, I met Larcu and Tilis by chance.

"Hey~ Isn't this Shield Boy! How was your harvest today?"

"It's not bad, but the monsters on the island we went to are relatively weak, so the benefits are not very high."

"That's it."

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