Raphtalia muttered to herself.

"The experience is not bad, hahahaha..."

"Yes, yes."

Larku and Tilis tried their best to change the topic to other directions.

In response, Xia Qing also cooperated and started to change the topic.

Larku's attack power is comparable to Raphtalia's, and all monsters she encounters are instantly killed with one hit.

From the look of it, it seems that the large combat scythe can also be transformed into a small portable scythe.

It seems that it was originally such a weapon.

This scythe is really excellent, its performance is much better than ordinary weapons.

With such thoughts, everyone reached the deepest part of the island.

Sure enough, there was the same mysterious sphere and the same huge stone ruins as the temple that were found when the Karma Dog was discovered yesterday.

As soon as he got close, the sphere twisted, and a big rabbit...a monster named Karma Rabbit emerged from it.

The ears are very long and move like arms.

This is... while blocking its instant death attack, I also have to deal with the same ears as my opponent.

Normally, rabbits should have no vocal cords, but who makes this a monster?

Yetu exhaled loudly and let out a throaty roar.


Immediately afterwards, the soil around Ye Rabbit suddenly protruded like spikes on the soles of shoes.


As Xia Qing gave the order, a series of responses immediately sounded out.


"let's go!"

In this way, a battle between rain bosses begins.

Several times during the battle, other little monsters came in. Even though they were numerous, they were only wiped out by Larku's harvester-like sickle.

Yetu threw out a variety of attacks, and his fighting style became more and more violent.

Xia Qing used dark magic to give Yetu a bunch of DEBUFFs, which greatly reduced his original superb agility and was completely defeated by Raphtalia, who was known for her speed.


Finally, with a neighing sound, Ye Tu's huge body fell down, making a dull sound.

Raphtalia gently shook the rapier in her hand, and bright red blood stains continued to flow along the sword's blade, converging on the tip of the sword and falling down.

The blade of the sword is already somewhat curled, and if it continues to be used, it will be completely broken within three days.

"Brother, you guys really..."

Larku looked at Xia Qing's face for a long time with a thoughtful expression.

"What's wrong?"

After being asked by Xia Qing, Larku quickly shook his head as if he didn't even believe it.

"No, it's nothing. Don't worry, compared to that, you guys are extraordinary."

"To each other."

"Hahaha, I'm glad to be said that."

Larcu laughed.

Tilis stepped forward and picked up the materials dropped by Yitu.

"Thanks to Mr. Xia Qing's help this time, I was able to defeat this BOSS so easily, so I'll give you the dropped items. Anyway, Larku and I have already leveled up a lot."

"Yeah, I think so too, please feel free to accept it."

Larcu also deeply agreed with Tilis’ words.

"Thank you very much."

Xia Qing took the dropped items and appraised them.

It was a black sword, reflecting a special luster under the sunlight. The hilt was engraved with a rabbit ear pattern.

"Ye Rabbit Sword"

Quality: high

Additional effects: increased agility, decreased magic power, increased attack power, decreased defense power

Looks like a nice weapon.

Chapter 99 Raphtalia’s new weapon

"Exactly. If you combine this with those materials, you should be able to make a brand new weapon. Look forward to it, Raphtalia."

When Raphtalia heard this, her face suddenly became filled with joy.

"Great, I'll have a new weapon soon!"

"That's right."

Xia Qing nodded.

"Ah, Master is so partial, Philo wants it too~"

Philo pouted and looked unhappy.

"I'll do it for you when I get the chance."

Xia Qing said casually.

After that, after a day-long battle, the levels of everyone in the team were greatly improved again.

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