Larku rotated the scythe, and then countless light balls flew out from the scythe, targeting... the people around him.

"Didn't you say you don't want to hurt innocent people?"

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth.

Stretch out your right hand and hold it in front of you.

Those balls of light that filled the sky stagnated in the air after flying less than ten meters.

Then, under the dull gazes of Larku and Tilis, Xia Shan pressed down his hands, and the light ball in the mid-air began to carry the sparks and shoot down like a falling meteor!

"How can it be----!?"

As a magician, Tilis was even more shocked than Larku. She had never seen such a strange power that could control the combined attack of her and Larku.

" could this happen..."

Regarding their performance at the moment, Xia Qing waved his hands helplessly.

"How about it? I haven't launched the attack yet. If you still want to continue..."



Larcu and Tilis both hesitated at this moment.

"How long are you going to take?"

A cold voice came from behind the two of them.

The moment they heard this voice, the hesitation on the faces of Larcu and Tilis immediately disappeared.

"Sorry, Glass, we encountered some obstacles..."

Following Tilis's words, the woman with long black hair looked at Xia Qing, who was standing alone opposite, and then nodded with understanding.

"I see."

A girl with a delicate face, beautiful black waist-length hair, transparent white skin, wearing a black patterned kimono, holding an iron fan, and a dancing-like fighting style.

At this moment, he was standing leisurely on the sea, his eyes like the red moon staring closely at Xia Qing.


Why is it called Glass in Chinese translation? It’s so TMSB

Chapter 105: Glass’ Fear

"Oh, isn't this Miss Liuli? How are you doing there?"

Larku chatted cordially with Liuli.

"Because it has been defeated, you can enter here, right?"

Liuli nodded and replied.

Then, she slowly moved her slender wrist, opened the iron fan in her hand, covered her thin lips, and met Xia Qing's gaze with her crimson eyes.

"By the way, Your Excellency Xia Qing, we meet again."

"Yeah, long time no see~" Xia Qing said with a smile.

Seeing that Xia Qing didn't show any panic or fear at all, Liuli looked a little disappointed. She originally wanted to see if such a strong lineup on her side would make the other party timid.

"To be able to push Larku to such an extent... Moreover, even that kind of large-scale magic is useless. Your Excellency is not serious at all, right?"

"Not serious?"

Tilis suddenly exclaimed.

"Little sister Liuli, he has the ability to teleport, and the magic that Tilis combined with me has been controlled by him."

Larku quickly conveyed to Liuli the information he had received so far about Xia Qing.

"Is that so... I remember that when he got serious, he would use the magic that condenses atmospheric elements into a sphere. The power is quite terrifying..."

Liuli recalled what she saw at the beginning, her eyes full of fear.

Fortunately, she hadn't seen the scene where Xia Qing dealt with the Pope, otherwise it wouldn't be as simple as being afraid now.

"Damn it, don't forget us!"

Kitamura Motoyasu shouted angrily as he dragged Amaki Ren to the surface of the water.

"...Are these guys here too?"

Liuli glanced at them in surprise, as if she had just discovered their existence.

"Damn it! I can still fight!"

It seemed that he was blinded by anger. Even in the sea water, Tianmu Lian's hands and feet did not become weak like before. Instead, he waved the sword in his hand and tried to give Liuli a blow.

"Don't move!"

Kitamura Motoyasu shouted anxiously. Suddenly, without paying attention, the hand holding Tianmu Renhou's collar slipped————

Gulu gulu gulu...

Only bubbles remained on the sea surface.

"Depend on!"

Kitamura Motoyasu shouted and dived into the water again.

Larku, Tilis and Liuli watched this scene with speechless faces, and then turned their attention back to Xia Qing.

"Is this your teammate? How pitiful..."


Xia Qing smiled, then pointed at Raphtalia and Philo who were still on the deck.

"I'm sorry, my teammates are over there. What you just saw were just a few actors."


Liuli didn't quite understand what Xia Qing said.

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