The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 1012: I'm going to shoot

When the southern commander heard Yang Qi's voice, he couldn't help being very happy.

He rushed to Yang Qi's body quickly.

"Emperor Yang Qiling, you are here."

Yang Qi nodded.

He faintly looked at the 9th-order low-level monster not far away.

"Come here," Yang Qi hooked his finger at the ninth-order low-level monster not far away.

This ninth-order low-level monster was startled.

It naturally didn't expect this human being to have a helper.

"Humans, you two should go together."

In the eyes of this ninth-order low-level monster, even if Yang Qi and Southern Commander Zhang Tianba were both on the same board, they would definitely not be their opponent.

Yang Qi heard this, he sighed secretly.

Why does this ninth-order low-level monster just don't understand?


He slowly walked towards the position of this ninth-order low-level monster.

Seeing Yang Qi coming over, a sneer appeared on the dark face of this ninth-order low-level monster.

It naturally did not expect this human being to come to die.

Although it is a monster, it has seen many human beings. Of course, it is known that Yang Qi's age is very young among human beings.

What kind of powerful magician can be made at this age?

Coming over is nothing more than coming to die.

I saw that Yang Qi had already walked in front of this ninth-order low-level monster.

"Human, are you really afraid of death?"

This ninth-order low-level monster looked at Yang Qi with a sneer.

fear death?

Yang Qi smiled.

He wanted to laugh countless times after he traveled to the Qi Ling continent.

But this time is the one he wants to laugh most.

But a small ninth-order low-level monster, dare to say such words to him.

It's so ridiculous.

"Since you said I was afraid of death," Yang Qi faintly looked at the ninth-level low-level monster in front of him, "then I will take action."

Hearing this, the ninth-order low-level monster became very angry.

It didn't expect the human being in front of him to be able to speak such arrogant words.


Not waiting for Yang Qi to take action.

This ninth-order low-level demon struck Yang Qi with a heavy punch.

See the ninth-order low-level monster hit.

Yang Qi shook his head and smiled.

I saw that the horrible evil aura condensed into a fist gang, rushing towards Yang Qi.

Just when the Horror Fist Gang was about to hit Yang Qi's body, Yang Qi just raised a finger and lightly tapped on the Horror Fist Gang.

Suddenly, the horror boxing Gang disappeared without a trace.

how is this possible? !

This ninth-order low-level monster looked at such a scene and couldn't help being shocked to the extreme.

Its eyes opened wide, and it couldn't believe it was true anyway.

"Are you shocked?"

Yang Qi looked at the ninth-level low-level monster in front of him indifferently.

This ninth-order low-level monster was of course shocked, not only shocked but also shocked to the point where it could not be added.

"Since you are shocked, then I will make you more shocked."

The sound falls.

Yang Qi urged the sky-level high-speed spiritual skills to run thunder and magic shadow step.

I saw that Yang Qi disappeared in place.


Seeing Yang Qi disappearing in place, this ninth-order low-level monster gasped.

It even wanted to break its head and would not have thought that Yang Qi's speed was so fast.

This ninth-order low-level monster found that he could no longer capture Yang Qi's figure.

This speed is really too scary.

When the ninth-level low-level monster saw Yang Qi again, Yang Qi was already by his side.

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