The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 1034: Kill the fourth general

Why did Yang Qi think of a chance to win a random lottery at this time, and a wonderful color appeared on his face.

Without any hesitation, Yang Qi hurriedly used the chance of this lucky draw.

The virtual pointer started to spin in the roulette in my mind.

After a few seconds, the virtual pointer stops.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the 99-level spirit emperor potion. Use it for ten minutes."

Looking at what he got, Yang Qi had to sigh his luck.

He thought that his luck was too good.

If he didn't draw this, then he might not be the opponent of the fourth magic general.

"Humans, originally I didn't want to use magic explosions. You forced me. After you were beheaded by me, you were proud enough."

The Fourth Demon sneered at Yang Qi.

In the eyes of the Fourth Demon General, Yang Qi was already dead.

"Are you really so confident?"

Yang Qi looked at the fourth magic general lightly.

The fourth demon general was startled, and it found that Yang Qi's face still didn't have any fluctuations in fear.

"Human, don't you feel my strength soaring?!"

The Fourth Demon General knew that Yang Qi could no longer survive, but if Yang Qi was killed in this way, it would be too cheap for Yang Qi.

It wanted Yang Qi to show an expression of extreme horror before he died.

But now it seems to be wrong.

"Come on, never say so much nonsense in front of me."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to the Fourth Demon General.

Listening to Yang Qi's words, the Fourth Demon General became furious.

"Human, Dare to be so arrogant?!"

The sound falls.

The fourth demon will disappear in place.

Seeing that the fourth demon general disappeared in place, Yang Qi used the potion that had been raised to the 99th level of the spirit emperor.

Suddenly, he had the combat power of a level 99 Ling Emperor.

In an instant, the fourth demon general arrived in front of Yang Qi.


There was a loud noise, and the fourth demon general retreated several hundred meters, his dark face was full of panic.

"Human, you... how did your strength become so terrifying?!"

Of course the fourth demon commander did not expect how Yang Qi became so strong.

"Terror?" Yang Qi faintly looked at the terrified Fourth Demon General, "it seems to be just so."

After speaking, Yang Qi urged the sky-level advanced speed spirit to run the thunder and shadow step.

When the Fourth Demon General arrived in front of Yang Qi, it felt an unprecedented danger, knowing that if it did not retreat, its life would have disappeared in this world forever just now.

There is only one thought in the mind of the fourth demon commander, that is to escape!

When Yang Qi urged the sky-level high-speed spirit skills to run the thunder and shadow step, the fourth demon general flew into flight.

It's a pity that Yang Qi now has the combat power of a level 99 Spirit Emperor.

In addition, he urged the sky-level high-speed spirit skills to run the thunder shadow step, how can the fourth magic general be faster than him?

Before long, Yang Qi stood in front of the fourth demon general.

The Fourth Demon General looked at this scene, looking at Yang Qi in horror.

"Human, you, you..."

Before the fourth demon commander had finished speaking, Yang Qi held a demon knife with a thousand blades and struck the fourth demon commander.

Seeing this, the fourth demons fell into a horror.

It has been powerless to resist!

"My life is over!"

At the last moment of his life, the Fourth Demon General uttered the last four words.

I saw that the magic knife Qianbian had already penetrated its body.

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