Vertical sun.

Yang Qi got up early.

He began to head towards the sea of ​​purgatory.

The Sea of ​​Purgatory is far away from the Divine Sword Sect.


The sea of ​​purgatory.

After half a month's journey, Yang Qi finally reached the sea of ​​purgatory.

However, he is now on the periphery of the Purgatory Sea.

He is ready to enter the sea of ​​purgatory.

But what he didn't expect was that a young girl stood in front of him.

"Stop, who are you?"

The girl shook her hands and looked at Yang Qi coldly.

Yang Qi thought that this girl was still a genius, she turned out to be a level 72 spiritual saint, and she looked like she was 18 or 9 years old.

Behind the girl is an 87-level Great Spirit Saint, who seems to be protecting this girl.

"Get out of the way," Yang Qi looked at the girl lightly, "You don't have the right to know who I am."

The girl was startled when she heard this. Of course, she didn't expect Yang Qi to say such a thing.

"You... do you know who you are talking to?!"

The girl has been Zhongxing Pengyue since she was born, and she has never met a person like Yang Qi.

"It's just a level 72 ant, it's ridiculous."

Yang Qi shook his head.

He thought that the girl would never know how sad she was in front of him.

The girl's name is Sapphire.

She was dumbfounded when she heard what Yang Qi said.

She is the super genius among the super geniuses. How dare this person despise her so much?

"It looks like you want to fight me?!"

Lan Yu looked at Yang Qi fiercely, her white face was already very angry.

"World War I?" Yang Qi looked at Lanyu sarcastically, "You don't think you are really qualified to fight me?"

In Yang Qi's view, what Lan Yu said was a bit too funny.

"you you you……!"

Lan Yu was so angry that she uttered three words for you.

"Junior, it is your great honor for our young lady to fight you!"

At this time, the 87-level spirit emperor beside Lanyu stared at Yang Qi coldly.

Yang Qi's face was calm.

He doesn't understand why he always meets these ill-formed flies?

"Do you agree to a fight with me?!"

Sapphire gritted his silver teeth.

She had never met someone like Yang Qi, she must fight Yang Qi, let Yang Qi see her strength.

"Well, I'll just stand here and let you attack me. What if I lose if I go back half a step?"

Yang Qi said lightly at Lan Yu.

When Lan Yu heard such words, she was extremely angry.

"You are arrogant!"

The sound falls.

Lan Yu raised his palms, and hit Yang Qi with a heavy palm.

But what Sapphire did not expect in any case was that Yang Qi really did not make any resistance!

In Lan Yu's eyes, Yang Qi must have been shocked by the strength she showed.


There is no doubt that Lan Yu hit Yang Qi's body with a heavy palm.

Just when Lan Yu thought that Yang Qi would fly upside down soon, the next scene was shocked to her.

I saw that Yang Qi not only didn't fly out, but didn't even step back.

how is this possible? !

Sapphire yelled.

The 87-level spirit saint beside Lan Yu was also dumbfounded.

The Great Spirit Saint quickly rubbed his eyes, and he felt that he must have read it wrong.

The young lady's palm hit this person's body, how could she not take a step back.

"Now," Yang Qi looked at Lanyu faintly, "Do you believe you are an ant?"

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