The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 1038: Guardian spirit monster

Immediately, Lan Yu quickly said to Yang Qi:

"Senior, this time Grandpa Feng and I came to the Purgatory Forest to capture a low-level heavenly weapon spirit."

"The low-level heavenly weapon spirits generally have powerful monster guards, so..."

Listening to Lan Yu's words, Yang Qi understood.


In this place to accompany you to find a low-level artifact spirit of the sky? It's almost the same unless he is crazy.

"I'm not interested, you can find it yourself."

Yang Qi said lightly to Lan Yu.

Lan Yu heard this and said to Yang Qi quickly: "Senior, don't look for it, we have coordinates."

Yang Qi's expression eased a little.

He pondered for a few seconds, then said to Sapphire: "Okay."

Seeing Yang Qi's agreement, Lan Yu's white face couldn't help but feel very happy.

Immediately, the three people headed towards one place.

It didn't take long before Yang Qi saw a heavenly low-level artifact spirit.

However, the low-level weapon spirit of the current heavenly rank was really meaningless to him, so of course there was no surprise fluctuation on his face.

"Senior, that's a low-level heavenly weapon spirit."

Lan Yu quickly said to Yang Qi.

She found that Yang Qi's face didn't have any fluctuations, and she couldn't help being surprised.

Is she thinking this is the senior?

Really calm.


Suddenly, a terrifying monster roar came into the ears of the three of them.

I saw that an eighth-level high-level monster appeared.

"The eighth-level high-level monsters!"

This 87-level great spirit saint sees an eighth-level high-level monster beast, and his old face is already terrified to the extreme.

Yang Qi's face was calm.

An eighth-level high-level monster beast in front of him was really too weak and pitiful.

"Humans, how dare you come here?!"

This eighth-level high-level monster beast coldly spoke to the three.

"Leave, let you make a living."

Suddenly, Yang Qi said lightly to this eighth-order high-level monster.

The whole body of this eighth-order high-level monster beast was shocked!

It even dreamed that it would never have thought that Yang Qi would say such a thing.

Immediately, this eighth-level high-level monster became extremely angry. It looked at Yang Qi firmly and shouted:

"Human, what do you mean is that I am not your opponent at all?"

"more or less."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to the eighth-order high-level monster in front of him.

Upon hearing this, this eighth-tier high-level monster beast couldn't help rushing out of a thousand feet of anger.

"Human, I want your life!"

Yin Luo, this eighth-order high-level monster flew towards Yang Qi.

Seeing the attacking eighth-level high-level monster beast, Yang Qi secretly shook his head, he wondered why this eighth-level high-level monster beast didn't understand it?

He has given this eighth-order high-level monster beast a chance to survive, but this eighth-level high-level monster does not cherish it, and he has nothing to do.

I saw that this eighth-order high-level monster beast had already arrived in front of Yang Qi.


Just after the eighth-order high-level monster came close to Yang Qi, Yang Qi punched out.

The pupils of this eighth-order high-level monster beast shrank rapidly, and it would never have imagined that the human in front of him could strike such a terrifying punch.

what! ! !

Before Yang Qi's fist reached the body of this eighth-level high-level monster, the eighth-level high-level monster shouted.

Just because it knew that if Yang Qi's fist hit its body enough, it would die.

There is no doubt that Yang Qi punched this eighth-level high-level monster beast through.


Sapphire and the 87-level Great Spirit Saint who were watching from the side were stunned.

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