The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 1045: Flame Demon Breaks Seal

The children of the Lan family found Sapphire.

"Miss, someone who claims to be your friend came from outside the Lan family."

One of the Lan family's children said to Lan Yu.

Lan Yu was startled when he heard the words.


She thought here, her friends are all very famous people, everyone in the Lan family should know them.

"who is it?"

"I don't know, he didn't say."

Hearing what the Lan family kid said, Lan Yu was puzzled.

She walked out of Lan's house.

It didn't take long before Lan Yu arrived outside Lan's house, and Yang Qi caught her eye.

Seeing that it was Yang Qi, Lan Yu couldn't help being stunned.

She looked at Yang Qi blankly.

"Senior, you... why are you here?"

Lan Yu would never have thought that Yang Qi would come to their Lan's house.

"I am busy."

"Senior, please come in."

Lan Yu said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi's face was calm as water, and he walked slowly into the Lan's house.

"Senior, what's the matter with you coming to Lan's house?"

Lan Yu was very puzzled, she didn't understand what was going on with Yang Qi coming to Lan's house.

"Find me a quiet place."

Suddenly, Yang Qi slowly said to Lan Yu.

Lan Yu nodded when she heard this. Although she didn't know what Yang Qi was going to do, she knew that a strong man like Yang Qi didn't like other people's problems a lot.

Soon, Lan Yu took Yang Qi to a room.

After Yang Qi walked into the room, he looked straight at Lanyu, "Remember, don't let anyone disturb me."

"Yes, senior."

Lan Yu nodded quickly.

Sapphire left the room and closed the door.

Yang Qi took out the inner core of the purgatory dragon.

He had to rely on this inner pill to break through to the 100-level spirit emperor.

If the breakthrough is less than the 100-level spirit emperor, then the Qi Ling Continent will only be able to kill the creatures.

Without thinking, Yang Qi swallowed the inner alchemy of the purgatory dragon.

After swallowing the purgatory fire dragon inner alchemy, Yang Qi only felt a powerful force in his body rushing wildly in his internal organs.

This Nima...

Yang Qi felt extremely painful.

But he knew that no matter how painful he was, he had to persevere.


the other side.

Flame Demon Mountain!

In one place, countless powerful monsters and monsters stood together.

They are all waiting!

Waiting for the Flame Demon to break out.


Suddenly, an extremely terrifying roar of monsters reached the ears of all monsters and monsters.

The monsters and monsters were shocked!

They knew that the Flame Demon King broke out!

I saw that a monster figure with a height of one hundred feet appeared in front of all the powerful monsters and monsters.

This monster is the Flame Demon King!

The Flame Demon, born with two horns, is completely black, and has black hair in a shawl!

There are strange scriptures on Zhou's body!

"Congratulations to the Demon King to break out!"

All the monsters and monsters were extremely respectful.

"After so many years, this king has finally broken the seal!"

Suddenly, the Flame Demon King burst out laughing.

"How about it, are human beings wiped out?"

Suddenly, the Flame Demon King cast his eyes on the first demon general.

"If you return to the Demon King, not only has the human race not been wiped out, but we have also lost our troops."

The first demon general said to the Flame Demon King in shock.


A horrible evil aura came out of the eyes of the Flame Demon King.

The first demon commander immediately flew upside down, and countless trees were smashed by the body of the first demon commander.

"Since this king has broken the seal, it is time for mankind to perish you!"

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