
Everyone in the Zhang family and the people onlookers saw this scene, and they gasped.

They could not believe that this would actually be true.

"You, how can your strength be so terrifying?!"

The Patriarch of the Zhang family looked at Yang Qi in horror.

He didn't even see how Yang Qi made the move, and the Third Elder was killed by Yang Qi.

"Generally," Yang Qi looked at Zhang Family Patriarch indifferently, "not too scary."

Upon hearing this, the Zhang Family Patriarch's expression turned cold again.

"Junior, don't think you can treat my Zhang family just by doing this!"

The Patriarch of the Zhang family looked at Yang Qi tightly.

"In that case, what are you waiting for?"

Yang Qi looked at Zhang Family Patriarch lightly.

The Patriarch of the Zhang Family listened to Yang Qi's words, how could he endure Yang Qi's arrogance.

"Junior, you are looking for death!"

"Give me up!"

Following an order from the Patriarch of the Zhang Family, everyone in the Zhang Family rushed towards Yang Qi.

There was still no fluctuation on Yang Qi's face.

He knew that the Zhang family members who rushed towards him were already dead.


Suddenly, Yang Qi slammed his fist towards the children of the Zhang family.

Suddenly, the condensed fist of spiritual power swept out of Yang Qi's fist.


The screams started endlessly.

How can this be? !

The people onlookers watched such a scene, and their faces were full of horror.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it would be true!

Just because this is too shocking.

With just a punch, all the Zhang family rushing towards Yang Qi fell to the ground.

The Zhang Family Patriarch and the elders looked at such a scene, and they fell in shock.

They are not idiots, and even with their toes, Yang Qi is definitely an extremely terrifying existence.

"Now, what do you want to do?"

Yang Qi looked at Zhang Family Patriarch and the elders with a very indifferent expression.

Where can the Zhang Family Patriarch and the Elders say a complete sentence?

"You... don't mess around, here is Huolicheng, if you dare to do anything to us, the city lord will definitely not let you go."

The Patriarch Zhang said to Yang Qi in horror.

"Go, you go and call the Lord of Huoli City, I will wait here."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to the Zhang Family Patriarch.

Patriarch Zhang heard Yang Qi's words, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

"What you said is true?"

"Naturally it is true."

Yang Qi's face was as calm as water.

"Okay, you go call the city lord."

Immediately, the Zhang Family Patriarch hurriedly said to an elder.

This elder hurriedly walked towards the city lord's mansion.

The people onlookers were all dumbfounded when they saw this.

Why does Yang Qi dare to do this?

They don't understand!

The Zhang Family Patriarch and the elders did not continue to speak.

They only waited for the city lord to arrive, when the time came, the city lord would personally attack the madman in front of them.

At this moment, everyone is waiting...

"The City Lord is here!"

Suddenly, I don't know who it is, and exclaimed.

Everyone quickly followed their gazes.

They found that the city lord had indeed come.

I saw that the city lord Qinghe of Huolicheng walked along.

When the Patriarch Zhang and the elders saw the city lord coming, they all breathed out secretly.

They thought that as long as the city lord came, they would not have to worry.

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