Lu Yao looked at the Yuanzong disciples in front of him in a puzzled way.

"You don't even know this?"

"This is the Yuanzong decree. In the past, the Yuanzong decree was left in the world, and the suzerain gave an order. If anyone came to the Yuanzong with the Yuanzong order, he could become the top disciple of the Yuanzong."

One of Yuanzong disciples said to Yang Qi.

When Lu Yao heard such words, she couldn't help being stunned.

Even if she wanted to break her head, she would not have thought that the Yuan Zong Ling in Yang Qi's hands was so terrible.

It didn't take long for the Yuanzong disciple who ran in to report and ran out.

This Yuanzong disciple said respectfully to Yang Qi:

"Sect Master invites you in."

The eyes of these Yuanzong disciples seeing Yang Qi had already changed.

Just because they knew that Yang Qi would soon become their big brother.

Immediately, Yang Qi walked into Yuanzong.

When Lu Yao saw Yang Qi walked into Yuanzong, she also walked in quickly.

Yang Qi entered the hall directly.

Lu Yao is the same.

It didn't take long for the two to see Sect Master Yuan and all the elders.

Yuanzong is the supreme major gate in the north.

"Young man, can you show me the Yuan Zongling in your hand."

Suddenly, Sect Master Yuanzong said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi nodded.

A warrior walked over and submitted Yuan Zong's order.

The Sovereign of Yuan Zong and all the elders all carefully looked at the Order of Yuan Zong.

After a while, they all laughed.

Just because they discovered that it was Yuan Zongling.

"What's your name?"

"Yang Qi."

Yang Qi said his name truthfully, and he felt that there was nothing to hide.

"Yang Qi, are you willing to call me Yuanzong's top disciple?"

Suddenly, Yuan Zong's lord Yuan Zhan asked Yang Qi.


Yang Qi nodded.

He came with the Yuanzong order to become the great disciple of Yuanzong. If he didn't want to become the great disciple of Yuanzong, then why did he come to Yuanzong?

He is not stupid.

"Are you the granddaughter of Patriarch Lu?"

Yuan Zong's lord Yuan Zhan looked at Lu Yao again.

"Yes Sovereign."

Lu Yao hurriedly nodded to Sect Master Yuan.

"From now on, go to the Eighth Peak."

Yuan Zong's sovereign Yuan Zhan said.

Yang Qi is still very strange to Yuanzong, and he doesn't know what the eighth peak is.

But Lu Yao was shocked.

"Sect Master, isn't there only one crazy old man at the Eighth Peak? I feel like going to the Eighth Peak..."

Before Lu Yao finished speaking, Yang Qi took the lead to go out.

When Lu Yao saw Yang Qi walk in, she couldn't help getting angry secretly.

"Sect Master, I am willing to go to the Eighth Peak."

After speaking, Lu Yao left the hall.

After Lu Yao left the hall, she followed Yang Qi.

"Hey, why are you willing to go to the Eighth Peak?"

"do not know."

Yang Qi shook his head.

Lu Yao heard Yang Qi's words, and she felt that Yang Qi was strange.

"Hey, are you a genius?"

Suddenly, Lu Yao asked Yang Qi again.

She was in the late stage of breaking the wheel, and she was already a genius.

She felt that Yang Qi must also be a genius.


Yang Qi said slowly.

Listening to Yang Qi's words, Lu Yao frowned.

She didn't understand why Yang Qi was always reluctant to talk to her.

"You don't seem to want to talk to me?"

"Are we familiar?"

Yang Qi paused, and rushed to Lu Yao and asked.

When Lu Yao heard this, he couldn't help being speechless.

She gritted her silver teeth and stared at Yang Qi's back.

"You, you will know my horror then."

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