The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 1081: Nanyun Mountain, the Supreme Holy Medicine

Before long, a spiritual skill came into Yang Qi's eyes.

Eight Wilds and Six Combinations!

Eight Desolation and Six Combination Slash: Super Heaven-level spiritual skill, after you have cultivated to great success, you can cut a peerless blow.

Looking at the introduction of Yahuang Liuhezhan, Yang Qi was ready to ask for it.

Lu Yao also selected his spiritual skills.

"Master, my spiritual skills have been selected, how about you?"

Lu Yao was holding spiritual skills for fear of losing it.

"I have chosen too."

Yang Qi spoke slowly to Lu Yao.

Lu Yao was startled when he heard the words, "But big brother, you don't have any spiritual skills at all?"

In Lu Yao's view, this is a little weird.

"Let's go."

Yang Qi didn't want to explain anything to Lu Yao.

Immediately, the two walked down from the top level of Lingji Pavilion.

Arrived at the Eighth Peak Square.

Yang Qi felt that he was about to break through.

A happy smile appeared on his face.

If he breaks through, then he is in the middle stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

He doesn't need to cultivate at all, he will hang up and draw the sword in his mind.

But at the same time he also knew that the middle stage of the Divine Sea Realm was still a scum.

the next day.

Yang Qi successfully broke through to the middle stage of the Divine Sea Realm.

After breaking through to the middle of the Spirit Sea Realm, Lu Yao walked to his side at this time and said to him:

"Big brother, I heard that Nanyun Mountain has the Supreme Holy Medicine, and now many sects have sent geniuses to Nanyun Mountain to find it."

"Send geniuses? Why don't those strong sects go?"

Yang Qi looked at Lu Yao very puzzled.

"That's it. There are certain restrictions on Nanyun Mountain. People over 30 years old cannot enter."

Listening to Lu Yao's explanation, Yang Qi couldn't help being stunned. He wondered what restrictions this was, which was kind of interesting.

"What is the effect of the Supreme Holy Medicine?"

"Able to break through."

Lu Yao replied.

Break through?

Yang Qi's eyes lit up, what he needs now is to break through.

"Let's go."

Yang Qi said to Lu Yao.

When Lu Yao saw Yang Qi agreed, she was a little happy.

"Then good big brother, let's go now."

Immediately, Yang Qi and Lu Yao left Yuanzong, and they headed towards Nanyun Mountain.

Legend has it that Nanyun Mountain is a place where some strong people sit and transform, so there is a taboo. People over 30 years old cannot enter, otherwise they will explode and die.

Yang Qi and Lu Yao went to the foot of Nanyun Mountain.

As soon as they arrived at the foot of Nanyun Mountain, they found a dozen young girls.

These dozen young girls naturally saw them too.

I saw that a dozen young girls came over, and they looked at Yang Qi and Lu Yao coldly.

"We belong to the Green Mountain Sect. We came to Nanyun Mountain to find the Supreme Holy Medicine. Please leave."

A teenager said to Yang Qi and Lu Yao.

The Qingshan Sect is a good sect in the Yeyun Empire.

Yang Qi's face was very calm.

He found that the speaking young man was only a late stage of the breaking round stage, and he was really too weak and pitiful.

For such a warrior, he didn't even have any interest in speaking to her.

The disciples of the Green Mountain Sect became very angry when they saw that Yang Qi and Lu Yao didn't pay attention to them at all.

"Don't you hear me talking to you?"

The late-breaking teenager stared at Yang Qi and Lu Yao coldly.

"You are not qualified to talk to me like this."

Yang Qi said to the young man in the late stage of breaking the wheel.

what? !

The words came out.

A dozen disciples of the Qingshan Sect were all stunned.

Of course they didn't expect Yang Qi to say such a thing.

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