After eating.

Yang Qi went outside Lu's house.

He is going to walk in the imperial capital.

But what he didn't expect was a young girl who walked towards him as soon as he arrived outside Lu's house.

The girl's face had a haughty look.

"who are you?"

The girl looked at Yang Qi coldly.

The girl seemed to be two years younger than Lu Yao, just a warrior in the early stage of breaking the wheel.

Yang Qi naturally couldn't take any interest in such a powerful warrior.

"Get out of the way."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to the girl.

The girl's name is Lu Die, who is Lu Yao's sister.

"Ha ha."

Just listen, Lu Die sneered at Yang Qi, "Do you know that no one in the Lu family dares to speak to me like this?"

"This isn't the Lu family, isn't this outside the Lu family?"

Yang Qi's face was calm.

Listening to Yang Qi's words, Lu Die's white face couldn't help but become very unhappy.

"You, what did you say?"

Lu Die looked at Yang Qi firmly.

Yang Qi's face was as calm as water, "Could it be that you are still a deaf person?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Die became furious.

"who are you?!"

"Who am I, I don't think you are qualified to know."

Yang Qi said lightly to Lu Die.

Lu Die's expression became extremely gloomy.

"Hehe," she sneered at Yang Qi again, "if I tell you, am I the second lady of the Lu family?"


Yang Qi's face showed an ambiguous look, "What does this have to do with me?"

Lu Die stomped his feet!

"you wanna die!"

The sound falls.

Lu Die raised his palm and slapped Yang Qi with a palm.

It's a pity, how could Lu Die be Yang Qi's opponent?

Moreover, Lu Die's attack did not threaten Yang Qi at all.

He did not make any dodge or resist.

Lu Die originally thought that Yang Qi should be a good genius for being able to say such arrogant words.

But now it seems that she is not only wrong.

And it's so wrong that it can't be added!


There is no doubt that Lu Die's palm hit Yang Qi's body.

But what she didn't expect in any way was that Yang Qi didn't even take a step back.

how is this possible? !

Lu Die's pupils shrank sharply, as if seeing something that could never happen.

"You, how can your defense be so terrible?"

Lu Die couldn't believe it.

She blinked her eyes quickly, but it was a pity that she told her that all of this was true.

"Does this shock you?"

Yang Qi looked at Lu Die calmly.

Of course Lu Die was shocked. Not only was she shocked, but she was also shocked to the point where she couldn't be more shocked.

"You, who are you?"

Lu Die knew that Yang Qi must not be a waiting person, and she asked Yang Qi again.

"Didn't I just say that, you are not qualified to know my name."

Yang Qi spoke slowly to Lu Die.

Lu Die's expression became gloomy again upon hearing this.

Although she knew that she would never be Yang Qi's opponent.

But after all, this was outside Lu's home, so naturally it was impossible for her to be afraid of Yang Qi.

"By the way, you shot me a while ago, now it's me too, right?"

Yang Qi looked at Lu Die faintly.

When Lu Die heard this, a look of horror appeared on his white face.

"You, do you dare to shoot at me?!"

Lu Die would never have thought that Yang Qi would dare to attack her outside the Lu family.

"Why not dare?"

Suddenly, Yang Qi raised a finger.

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