"It will start in ten days."

Lu Yao said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi has been staying in the eighth peak these days.

Five days later.

Lu Yao's voice appeared outside the room.

"Big brother, are you there?"

Yang Qi opened the room, and Lu Yao's figure caught his eye.

"what happened?"

"We can set off now. The Black Cloud Forest is some distance away from us."

"it is good."

Yang Qi nodded.

The two arrived on the square of the Eighth Peak.

Liu Qingshan was already waiting.

"This time I will lead the team and go to the Black Cloud Forest with you."

Liu Qingshan said to Yang Qi and Lu Yao.

They began to head towards the Black Cloud Forest.


Outside the Black Cloud Forest.

Many people have gathered in the Black Cloud Forest at this time.

They are all the geniuses and strong men of the top ten sects.

Yang Qi, Lu Yao and Liu Qingshan naturally also went outside the Black Cloud Forest.

The rules, the ten major sects already know.

It took them a few days to come from Yuanzong to the Black Cloud Forest, and the trial was about to begin.

Just tomorrow.

Everyone knows that there will be a killing in the Black Cloud Forest.

Because many people don't deliberately look for alien beasts, they specifically look for geniuses from other sects to kill them.

Vertical sun.

Integral stones have been distributed in the hands of the top ten sect geniuses.

"The trial begins!"

A sound like thunder appeared.

Everyone walked in toward the Black Cloud Forest.

They arrived in the Black Cloud Forest.

"Master, let's find a place first."

Lu Yao said to Yang Qi.

What Lu Yao didn't expect was that Yang Qi shook his head at her.

"No need, I see the geniuses of the top ten sects like ants."

Yang Qi said slowly.

Lu Yao was startled.

She looked at the expression on Yang Qi's face.

Only then discovered that Yang Qi's face was filled with an extremely confident look.

What a confidence this is!

Although Lu Yao knew that the elder brother's strength was terrifying, but this was a test of genius in the top ten sects.

This confidence.

She never owned it.

"Let's go, if you meet a strange beast, you will kill a strange beast, and you will kill a person when you meet a person. It's that simple."

Yang Qi said flatly to Lu Yao.

Lu Yao listened to Yang Qi's words, and she nodded in response.

Soon, the two began to search.

Fortunately, their luck is pretty good.

It didn't take long before they found dozens of Tier 1 strange beasts.

The first-order monster is really meaningless.


Dozens of Tier 1 strange beasts rushed towards Yang Qi and Lu Yao.

Yang Qi directly let Lu Yao take action, beheading these dozens of strange beasts.

It didn't take long before Lu Yao beheaded all dozens of monsters that had struck.

There are 320 points on the integral stone.

They continued to search for alien beasts.

However, there will always be uninvited guests.

"Unexpectedly, you will meet us."

Suddenly, five teenagers walked out of a dark place.

"It's from the Wolf Mountain School."

Lu Yao looked surprised.

Of course, Yang Qi's face was calm, and the five young men with the strongest strength in front of him were only in the middle stage of the spirit wheel, so they were not afraid.

"We don't have many points, you guys..."

"You don't have many points, but after we killed you, didn't we have one less opponent?"

The young man in the middle of the spirit wheel sneered at Yang Qi and Lu Yao.

Yang Qi heard this, and he understood.

"Since this is the case, then you come over and let me kill you."

The words came out.

The five young men of the Wolf Mountain Sect were all startled.

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