The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 1122: This is not an illusion, right


All the disciples on the square took a breath and looked at Yang Qi dumbfounded.

They just wanted to break their heads, and they would never have thought that Yang Qiqi would say such words.

You know, Jin Yuan is now in the Divine Sea Realm Great Perfection.

Yang Qi dare to be so arrogant?

Such arrogant people, they are the only ones in their lives.

"Yang Qi, don't you think you are a bit too arrogant?"

Jin Yuan looked at Yang Qi and shouted.

When Yang Qi didn't come to Yundian, he was the strongest genius in Yundian, but now he is so despised as the strongest genius!

"Generally," Yang Qi looked at Jin Yuan lightly, "not too arrogant."

"Hehe," Suddenly, Jin Yuan smiled coldly, "Yang Qi, don't you dare to fight with me, so there is so much nonsense, right?"

In Jin Yuan's view, it must be so.

Listening to Jin Yuan's words, Yang Qi couldn't help but shook his head. He wondered why Jin Yuan didn't understand?

"Didn't I tell you just now, to defeat you, one finger is enough."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to Jin Yuan.

Hearing Yang Qi's words, Jin Yuan couldn't bear it anymore and attacked Yang Qi suddenly.

However, how could Jin Yuan be Yang Qi's opponent if he is only the Great Perfection of the Divine Sea Realm?

Just when Jin Yuan's fist was about to reach Yang Qi, Yang Qi still did not make any dodge or defensive gestures.

Everyone in the square knew that Yang Qi could not avoid Jin Yuan's fist anyway.

They originally thought that Yang Qi must have the corresponding strength to be so arrogant. But now it seems that they are not only wrong, they are also wrong to the point where they cannot be added.

But what they would never think of was that something like this happened next.

I saw that when Jin Yuan's fist was only a line away from Yang Qi, Yang Qi was a dodge, avoiding Jin Yuan's punch.

how is this possible! ! !

Seeing this scene, everyone in the square was shocked.

They would never have imagined that Yang Qi's speed would have reached such a speed.

After Yang Qi dodged Jin Yuan's punch, he raised a finger.

Jin Yuan hadn't even reacted yet, and of course he would not have thought that Yang Qi was so fast. He had thought that his fist would hit Yang Qi.

But when he turned around, Yang Qi's fingers were already flying towards him.

Above the fingers, an extremely terrifying spiritual power has been condensed.

Jin Yuan watched Yang Qi's terrifying blow, his pupils shrank rapidly.

Of course he didn't expect Yang Qi to be so powerful.

The disciples on the square opened their eyes for the biggest time ever.

They knew that if Yang Qi made a terrifying strike on Jin Yuan's body, then Jin Yuan would never have any chance of survival.

However, Yang Qi did not intend to kill Jin Yuan.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said much nonsense with Jin Yuan.

I saw that when Yang Qi's fingers were only a line from Jin Yuan's head, he paused.

Quiet, silent, needle drop can be heard.

Everyone in the square, they dare not make a sound.

Jin Yuan is the Great Perfection in the Divine Sea Realm.

But the genius of Shenhai Realm Great Perfection, in the hands of the big brother, can't do a single trick?

Isn't this an illusion?

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