"Host, after you have completed the Ten Thousand Step Ladder Trial at the Blue Dragon Academy, you can directly complete the final stage of drawing the sword."

The voice of the system appeared in Yang Qi's mind again.

Yang Qi listened to the system, and he sighed secretly.

He thought that the system is also a kind and righteous person.

In order to avenge the previous owner, he also worked hard.

He is naturally grateful for the system.

If there is no system, then he thinks that after crossing into the world of demons, he might not even be able to survive for a day.

Of course, the premise is when you meet a monster.

Did not think much. At the end of the day, Yang Qi once again walked under the ten-thousand-step ladder trial.

The geniuses saw Yang Qi coming again.

Their faces were filled with consternation.

Thinking this is still going to take higher steps?

They all looked forward to it.

In their opinion, Yang Qi is the most likely genius to complete the Ten Thousand Step Trial of Canglong Academy.

If it is really completed, then it means that the peerless strong will appear.


Ming Demon Sect, Great Hall.

In the main hall, all the high-level members of Mingmajia gathered in the main hall.

"Leader, when do you think we will work on the major sects of the Central Region?"

"Now is not the time."

"When is the time?"

Everyone in the hall looked at the soul of the leader of the Ming Demon Sect.

Hunpo coldly smiled.

"I was seriously injured when I broke through to the Divine Realm that year. It won't take long for my injury to heal. Then it will be time for us to unify the Third Realm."

Everyone in the hall listened to the leader's words, and their faces all showed surprises.

7200 steps...

7300 steps...

7400 steps...

Half a year passed.

Yang Qicai walked to 7400 steps.

On this day, the clouds did not move, and the wind did not blow.

Yang Qi's self-confidence has suffered a bit.

He originally thought that after breaking through to the early stage of the Heavenly King Realm, he would be able to complete the Ten Thousand Step Ladder Trial immediately, but now it seems that he is completely wrong.

"Brother Yang Qi, why are you unhappy?"

Su Xun'er walked to Yang Qi's side, with a look of doubt on her white face.

"I'm fine."

Yang Qi shook his head at Su Xun'er.

"Brother Yang Qi, do you know that many places in the Third Realm have already invested in Ming Demon Cult?"

"Ming Mojiao shot?"

Yang Qi was stunned.

"Yes, but in the Third Realm, except for the Middle Territory, the other regions are very weak. The Ming Demon Sect has not yet made a move against our Middle Territory."

Listening to Su Xun'er's words, Yang Qi understood.

He wanted to complete the Ten Thousand Step Ladder Trial as soon as possible.

"Brother Yang Qi, if the Ming Demon Cult attacks our Zhongyu, I think..."

Su Xun'er didn't finish her words, but the next meaning was self-evident.

"It's okay."

Yang Qi touched Su Xun'er's head, "Everything has me."

Su Xun'er heard this, and a warm current ran through her heart, and she felt that there was nothing warmer than this sentence.

"Brother Yang Qi, I believe you will be able to complete the ten-thousand-step ladder trial."

Su Xun'er said firmly to Yang Qi.

the next day.

What everyone in Canglong Academy didn't expect was that all the masters of the major sects in the Middle Territory had all arrived at the Canglong Academy.

All the geniuses were dumbfounded.

I don't understand what happened.

And Yang Qi was also called to a place.

All the sect masters' eyes turned towards Yang Qi.

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