The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 660: There is a teenager beside Yun Rong'er

Yang Pengfei, the head of the Yang family, looked at the Yang family's children.

The elders also looked at the children of the Yang family, just because they all wanted to know if Yun Rong'er was alone or several.

"If you go home, there is a person beside Yun Rong'er."

"Oh? Come and listen."

Patriarch Yang Pengfei said quickly.

"He is a teenager about the size of Yun Rong'er."

The Yang family said.

A teenager?

Patriarch Yang Pengfei and the elders were stunned.

Yang Family Patriarch Yang Pengfei thought for a few seconds, he wondered if Yang Qi was a peerless genius?

Dozens of people from his Yang family went after Yun Rong'er, but none of them came back.

There is only one possibility, and that is that Yun Rong'er got Yang Qi's help.

"Since Yun Rong'er is back to our Liufeng City, let's go and see with two of them."

Yang Pengfei, the head of the Yang family, said.

"Patriarch, let me go."

Elder Yang family got up from the seat.

Immediately, the elder of the Yang family walked out of the Yang family with a dozen of Yang family children.


Willow Wind Inn.

"Senior, if we are here, the Yang family must have found it."

Yun Rong'er looked at Yang Qi.

Although she and the Yang family have antagonisms, she also knows that if you want revenge, you must first survive.

If the Yang family finds it, she will never survive.

She had seen the horror of Yang Qi, but she would not believe that the Yang family could fight the entire Yang family.

After all, the Yang Family is the most powerful family in Liu Fengcheng.

"Why are you afraid of the Yang family?"

Yang Qi looked at Yun Rong'er lightly.


Yun Rong'er nodded directly.

"It's okay, the Yang family is nothing but that in front of me."

Yang Qi said slowly.

Yun Rong'er was startled when she heard this. Although she knew Yang Qi was terrifying, she still felt a little weird to say such words.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao really arrived.

"Yun Rong'er, you really are here!"

Just listen, an extremely strong voice came into the inn.

Everyone in the inn hurriedly looked over and found that it was the elder of the Yang family, their faces could not help showing a touch of amazement.

From their point of view, the elder of the Yang family was an absolute great figure.

"Yun Rong'er?"

"Could it be the daughter of the Yun Family Patriarch?"

"Isn't it her? I didn't expect that she would dare to return to Liufeng City. This was something I never thought of."

Everyone in the Liufeng Inn began to whisper.

I saw that the elder of the Yang family and several Yang family children, they strode towards Yun Rong'er.

Everyone in the inn shook their heads secretly, and there was a pity on their faces.

Even with their toes, they could imagine how miserable Yun Rong'er would end up.

"Yun Rong'er, I didn't expect you to dare to return to Liufeng City. I really don't know what to say!"

The Yang family elder spoke to Yun Rong'er firmly.

Yun Rong'er's white face already showed a deep fright.

After the voice fell, the Yang family elder looked at Yang Qi again.

"Presumably you are the boy who helped Yun Rong'er kill dozens of people in my Yang family, right?"

Everyone in the inn, they all heard what the elder Yang said and couldn't help looking at each other.

You know, the Yang family is the most powerful family in Liu Fengcheng.

Kill dozens of Yang family?

How horrible this is!

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to Yang Qi, waiting for Yang Qi to speak next.

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