The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 662: Kill the elder Yang family


When everyone in the inn reacted, they all couldn't help but gasped.

Just because they would never think that Yang Qi was so terrified.

They didn't have time to see clearly, these Yang family children are already dead?

"you you you……"

Elder Yang's family also paled in shock.

He is a 39-level spirit king, and he can't do this by asking himself.

"I don't want to give you a chance to survive. I am so scared now," Yang Qi looked at the Yang family elder, "what are you going to do?"

Where can the Yang family elder speak, looking at Yang Qi in shock.

"I can give you a chance to die."

Suddenly, Yang Qi slowly spoke to the Yang family elder.

Quiet, silent, needle drop can be heard.

Everyone in the inn had cold sweat on their foreheads.

Elder Yang Family's whole body couldn't stop shaking.

"It seems that you will not choose the chance of death."

Yang Qi looked at the Yang family elder faintly.

The elder of the Yang family was so scared that the three souls did not see two souls, and the seven souls did not see six souls.

"I, I, I... I am the elder of the Yang family. If you dare to do anything to me, our Yang family will definitely not let you go."

Elder Yang Family knew that he would never be Yang Qi's opponent.

At this time, he could only use the Yang family to make Yang Qi retreat.

It's a pity that Elder Yang's wishful thinking was not only wrong, but also so completely wrong.

"Come here," I saw Yang Qi hooked his finger at the Yang Family Elder, "Let me kill you."

How dare the Yang family elder pass?

He knew that if he were past, his life would undoubtedly disappear from this world.

"you you you……"

But before Elder Yang Family finished speaking, he would never have the opportunity to continue speaking.

Just because Yang Qi has already urged the sky-level high-speed spiritual skills to run the thunder shadow step.

At the last moment of the Yang family's elder, what he saw was full of magical shadows.


Suddenly, the Yang family elder screamed.

As the screams fell, the elder Yang Qi fell to the ground, losing his life.

Everyone in the Liufeng Inn was extremely frightened.

They would never have imagined that the dignified elder Yang Family was so vulnerable in front of Yang Qi.

Yang Qi showed a profile.

He found that Yun Rong'er had froze in place like a wooden clay sculpture.

It's like seeing a scene in this world that will never be seen.

"Let's go."

Yang Qi looked at Yun Rong'er.

Yun Rong'er listened to Yang Qi's words, and he recovered.

"Senior, we... Where are we going?"

"The Yang Family."

Yang Qi spoke slowly.

He thought that he had already killed the Yang family's elder, and the Yang family would definitely not give up.

In that case, just go directly to Yang's house.

Yun Rong'er was shocked when he heard this.

"Senior, we..."

Yun Rong'er hadn't finished speaking, but found that Yang Qi had already walked out of the inn.

She quickly followed.

"Senior, are you avenging me?"

Yun Rong'er looked at Yang Qi.

Her white face was already extremely grateful.

At first, she didn't believe that Yang Qi could face the entire Yang family, but now she doesn't think so.

"That's it."

Yang Qi said calmly.

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