The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 669: Luhe, the lord of the nine ghost castles

City Lord's Mansion.

Jiuyou City Lord Lu He was drinking tea.

"Father! Father!"

Lu Feng ran into the hall.

"Something panicked."

Lu He glanced at Lu Feng.

He has never been very satisfied with Lu Feng. If he doesn't practice well, he will know he will dominate in Jiuyou City.

Lu Feng told City Lord Jiuyou Lu He what had happened just now.

what? !

Lu He was startled.

He thought that Jiuyou City had come to such a genius?

If it was an old man who made Lu Feng fly out, he would naturally not be surprised.

But a teenager...

Moreover, they have not had time to see clearly, which has to explain the problem.

"Go, take me to see."

Jiuyou City Lord Lu He said.

When Lu Feng heard the words, a touch of surprise appeared on his face.

Immediately, Lu Feng hurriedly led Jiuyou City Lord Lu He towards the inn just now.

It didn't take long.

Lu Feng and Jiuyou City Lord Lu Feng went to the inn.

Everyone in the inn saw the city lord coming, and their faces showed amazement.

"The city lord actually came."

"These two people are terrible now."

"That's not the case, the city lord is a great spiritual saint."

Everyone in the inn began to whisper.

Of course Yang Qi also saw Lu He, the lord of Jiuyou City.

He also felt a deep sense of oppression from the body of Jiuyou City Lord Lu He.

But he knew that some things still had to be faced.

Yun Rong'er's white face was also extremely shocked.

"Father, it's him!"

Lu Feng said coldly at Yang Qi.


Jiuyou City Lord Lu He was startled.

He made an action that was extremely inconsistent with his identity.

I saw that Lu He rubbed his eyes.

It's like seeing someone who will never be able to see.

"Are you Yang Qi?"

City Lord Jiuyou Lu He looked at Yang Qi in astonishment.

Yang Qi was startled.

He thought that he had never seen City Lord Lu He of Jiuyou, why did he seem to know himself?

Lu Feng and everyone in the inn were also startled in shock.

They never expected that the city lord actually called the person in front of him.

"How do you know my name?"

Yang Qi looked at City Lord Lu He in doubt.

"When the Lingnan City Central Region Genius Conference, I was there."

Jiuyou City Lord Lu He said to Yang Qi.

Hearing this, Yang Qi understood.

He didn't speak, he knew that City Lord Lu He of Jiuyou had something to say next.

"Father, do you know him?"

Lu Feng looked at City Lord Lu He in puzzlement.

"He is the first place in the Central World Talent Conference!"

Jiuyou City Lord Lu He said to everyone.

Lu Feng was surprised.

Everyone in the inn was also stunned.

They wondered that Yang couldn't be so scary. Was he the most powerful genius in Zhongyu?

"But Dad, he hit me, is that all it takes?"

Lu Feng was extremely dissatisfied and said to Lu He, the lord of Jiuyou City.

"That's fine, what do you want?"

At the Middle Territory Genius Conference, City Lord Lu He had seen Yang Qi's horror with his own eyes.

Moreover, Yang Qi is completely ignorant of what kind of power is behind him.

Not to mention that he didn't want to shoot Yang Qi at all, even if he wanted to shoot Yang Qi, he had to weigh Yang Qi's background.

When Lu Feng saw this, he didn't dare to say more.

Yun Rong'er looked dumbfounded.

She originally thought that City Lord Jiuyou had come over and the matter was serious, but she would never have thought that it would be such a scene.

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