The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 672: The Proud Girl of Yuanmen is here

The eighth-order monster was shocked, just because it found that it could no longer escape Yang Qi's attack.

There is only one fate waiting for it, and that is death.


Suddenly, the eighth-order monster uttered a scream that was shocking to heaven.

As this scream fell, the life of this eighth-order monster disappeared from this world forever.

Yang Qi sighed secretly.

Fortunately, this eighth-order monster is not a high-level eighth-level monster, otherwise it will be in trouble.

Just now this eighth-order monster said that the fragment of the Dragon Slashing Technique is in this eighth-order monster's body.

Without any hesitation.

Yang Qi cut the belly of the eighth-order monster directly.

Sure enough, the fragment of the Dragon Slashing Technique was really in the body of this eighth-order monster.

Without any hesitation, Yang Qi directly took out the Dragon Slashing Technique.

"Ding! Super Sky-level Spirit Skill Slash Dragon Technique can be synthesized, may I ask if it is synthesized?"

Suddenly, the voice of the system appeared in Yang Qi's mind.


"The synthesis begins."

"Successful synthesis."

With the sound of the system falling, the super-celestial spirit skill Slashing Dragon Technique has been synthesized successfully.

With the talent of the Super Heavenly Sword, Yang Qi directly comprehended the Super Heaven-level Spirit Skill and Dragon Slashing Technique.

Yang Qi thought that with the Dragon Slashing Technique, if he wanted to kill this eighth-order monster, it would be easy.

He didn't stay longer in Jiuyou Cave, and left Jiuyou Cave.

After returning to Jiuyou City, he went directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Senior, you are back."

Seeing Yang Qi's return, Yun Rong'er couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his fair face.


Yang Qi nodded, and said nothing.

The lord of Jiuyou City Lu He also saw Yang Qi, and he knew that Yang Qi must not have gone to Jiuyou Cave.

Because even he couldn't bear the oppression in Jiuyou Cave.

"Yang Qi, it has been determined that the Proud Girl of Heaven will come to Jiuyou City."

Jiuyou City Lord Lu He said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi answered.

After returning to his room, Yang Qi began to draw his sword.

He hasn't drawn a knife anymore.

At present, the Chaotian-level exercise technique draws swords billions of times, and the eighth stage draws swords billions of times.

And the super draw sword technique is an increase of ten million times...

Five million times increase...

Six million times increase...

Seven million times increase...

Yang Qi began to draw his sword madly.

Eight million times increase...

Nine million times increase...

Ten million times increase...

In the room, the horror of the swordsman had already roared.

Two days later.

Yang Qi changed into clean clothes and walked out of the room.


In the compound, Yun Rong'er called to Yang Qi.

"Yang Qi, the lady of heaven in Yuanmen has arrived."

Jiuyou City Lord Lu He said to Yang Qi.

After speaking, he went on to say:

"Actually, in my capacity, if I take you there, it would be a bit bad, so let Fenger take you there."

Lu Feng came over after hearing this.

"Senior, I will take you there."

Yang Qi nodded.

Immediately, Lu Feng took Yang Qi and Yun Rong'er out of the city lord's mansion.

"Senior, do you say that the Pride of Heaven in Yuanmen is amazing?"

A look of curiosity appeared on Yun Rong'er's white face.

Yang Qi smiled lightly.

"What do you think?"

"I think it should be great, but it must not be as good as the predecessors."

Yun Rong'er knew that no matter how powerful a genius in Zhongyu, he couldn't be Yang Qi's opponent.

Without saying much, they continued to walk towards the center of Jiuyou City.

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